Tomorrow we all start a new year, 2009. I think there are many of us out there that think collectively it can't get any worse than 2008 so it must be a better year ahead. Quite frankly I just heard when I get up tomorrow my cable tv may not be carrying some of my favorite channels, for instance Comedy Central may be off the air along with twenty other channels unless TimeWarner and Viacom come to an agreement. If that happens it means a year without "The Stephen Colbert Show" or "The Daily Show". On the up side it means no more of "The Hills" on MTV (proud to say I have never watched "The Hills"). Since MTV doesn't really show music videos anymore I say good riddance, but where am I to get my daily dose of sarcastic humor? I guess I will have to stay up late to watch Triumph the Insult Dog on Conan. Since Conan is moving to Jay's slot, I think if I nap more in the middle of the day I can stay up that late.
We have many things to look forward to in 2009. We have a new president who will take office in a few weeks. A president that is smart, popular around the world, has great ideas and is determined to correct the mistakes of his predecessor. Truly the end of an error! I am a true believer in positive thinking and I think that after a awhile with President Obama we will find our old sense of pride and can-do attitude that makes us Americans so admired around the world return to us. Once the attitude becomes positive, the world will become a more positive place to live in. It will take awhile but I think we are on the verge of an age of enlightenment or a Renaissance, however things may get worse before they get better. But enough of that! The PPP is no messenger of doom and gloom, it's a vessel for a male Maltese dog and his many racing thoughts.
For the year 2009 I hope to use the PPP to make the world (or my few followers) aware of the issues that are important to me. I want the PPP to be a voice for those who have no voice in this world. That means animals, children, the environment and those living in extreme poverty and war. Sure I will break it up a little with moments of gossip and fashion (as those topics are important to the PPP since we are a lover of the high and low).
For the year 2009, my mom and I will start a campaign we have had on our minds since Q-Ball was killed. We want to have better signage in our parks so what happened to Q-Ball will not happen to any other dog (or human). Actually if I was to take it to another level I would like the campaign to involve all bicyclists in New York City as going for a walk is dangerous on a daily basis for me and my mom. We have near-misses everyday we take a walk from the restaurant delivery guys. However we will start with the parks. So that is one of my resolutions for this year. It will be our way to make Q-Ball's memory stay on and honor her death.
Another resolution is that mom and me are thinking maybe somewhere down the line we may add to our happy family and make it a threesome again. We are thinking of adopting a rescue dog. Now no other dog can ever replace Q-Ball but another dog can definitely add to our lives. This is still in the first stages so when we know better, we will let you know. I just hope I stay the Alpha Dog as now that I have gotten a taste of how it feels to be the top honcho, I'm not letting go. It will be nice to have the company when mom is out and about.
My last New Year's resolution for 2009 (besides trying to gain a little weight) is to just enjoy the now. See where 2009 takes me and my mommy. She is in for some big changes this year and where ever she goes, I go so we are going to enjoy the adventure and try to be grateful for all we have. We have lots to be grateful for; our health, our friends and family, food in my tummy, a roof over my head, nice sweaters on my back. I am excited to have a fresh new start. Sad that Q-ball won't be with us. Anyway, we have to leave this apartment in a few months so we could wind up anywhere on this planet and I think that is exciting (unless it is Astoria, then that would suck).
So I hope you enjoy your New Year's Eve celebration tonight and to remember to not drink and drive. I am not feeling well today so my mommy is thinking of staying in and taking care of me. She is not crazy about going out tonight and the weather is crappy outside (I am encouraging her to do so as celebrating a certain moment in time really has no relevance to me).
I and everyone at the PPP wish you a Happy New Year and may your hopes, dreams, wishes and goals for 2009 are realized. Chow for now!
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