It has been brought to my attention that in the last few years pet ownership in divorce cases has become one hot topic. Some soon to be ex-spouses are shelling out as much as one hundred thousand dollars to their lawyers to make sure they retain custody of their pets. Forget who gets the couch or the car, its the pet that matters now.
Now I completely understand how this can come about. I am just a source of joy and love so it makes sense that if a couple is breaking up they would want to have me around to help heal their broken heart as I won't talk back or complain to them (actually I do but it is mistaken for incessant barking). When you are part of a group that really doesn't have a voice for themselves you are at the mercy of others and eventually the courts. That is why organizations such as ASPCA and the Humane Society are important to us doggies as they try to give us a voice as to how we want to be treated in this world. A nice Christmas gift to an animal lover would be a donation in their name to help us that can't help ourselves (although I think I have trained my mommy well in how I feel and what I think by my stares and tones of barks).
So if you are entering a relationship and you are either bringing a pet into your home or decide to get one while together it is important to discuss how to share custody just in case things don't work out. If you decide to marry, pet custody should be mentioned in the pre-nup (the PPP highly recommend pre-nups no matter how much money you have or don't have). This way just in case things don't work out, your pet's comfort was thought out in the good times not the bad times, so a pet tug-of-war will be highly unlikely.
I have been very lucky in this aspect as I still have a very good relationship with my mommy's ex. He is and continues to be the main male figure in my life and we still like to play and nap together. Whenever mommy needs to travel he let's me stay with him so I not lonely and scared. I love my Uncle Adrian and I am very happy he is still in my life. He was always very loving and accepting of both me and Q-Ball. It's not easy for such a manly man to walk down the street with two little white fur balls yelling out "Powder Puff, Q-Ball!". It takes a man with a strong sense of his masculinity and love for all beings to be comfortable with us small, cute lap dogs.
On a sad note, Sock's (former President Clinton's cat) is on her last legs with cancer. Socks you are in our thoughts and prayers as you were a great role model for presidential pets. Smoke a little catnip to help the pain Socks!!
I hope you liked my Christmas photo in my last post. I am going to leave you with some other Christmas doggie snapshots. They are not as lovely as my beloved Q-Ball but they still are quite cute. Chow for now!
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