My post is a little late today as I was busy tracing around town with my mom and Uncle Adrian shopping for a Christmas tree to trim. We started the day off early with a bath (my mom manage not to scald me this time, thanks mom!!). I decided to wear my Xmas sweater to get into the spirit of things (mom insisted I wear my Santa hat too) and then we were off. People were laughing at me on the train, mom assured me there were laughing WITH me not AT me but hey, I didn't see her wearing a Santa cap. We met up with Uncle Adrian downtown, Aunty Annie couldn't make it so we took off and thanks to Uncle Adrian's friend Kenny, we got a 7 foot tree for thirty dollars!! Off we went to Williamsburg to set up the tree but then we got sidetracked as Uncle Adrian's friend David needed a tree for his luncheon party. Uncle Adrian offered to help him get his tree as long as mom and me could come to his luncheon (or English Roast as they would say in the old world). We dropped off our tree in Williamsburg, then headed back to get David an 11 foot tree (for $30!!!). It was a recession tree (or as a smart economist would say a "suppression tree").
I then proceeded to spend the rest of my afternoon with Badger (David's dog), a group of adults I really didn't know (that's okay, I'm a pack animal) and a friendly baby that didn't torture me. I did something quite naughty but we won't discuss it as my mother gave me her "death stare" when she found out. Ummm, what did she expect? No one was paying attention to me. Anyway we didn't trim the tree so I don't have the photo op that I thought I would post today so I am going to post an old picture of Q-Ball wearing the Xmas sweater mom makes us wear every year. My mom seemed to have a nice time and met this cute gay couple who live near us. I heard her mention something about a "doggie play date" with their new lab which I don't know why my mother bothers with because she knows I don't socialize with other animals (except my cousin Coco) I am more a people dog. I got some yummy scraps of lamb so in the end even though we never trimmed the tree it was worth it. When we do get to trim a tree this is what I want to see underneath the tree for me: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fyUJy5eAqvo
Right now I am laying next to my mom as she works on some of her necklaces (oh yeah, she told me I was to promote her on the blog - buy Natalie Rivera Jewelry at www.nrjewelry.com yada yada yada). I am having some mean toots due to the lamb which I gulped down and forgot to chew (like mom, like dog). And I see we have a Bridezilla marathon on tonight, God save me from the bride shows!!
I hope everyone managed to enjoy their Sunday and like I mentioned earlier all the Christmas trees at 6th Ave and Houston are $30!! Signing out now, chow for now!
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