Today's post will be short as my mommy is sick and I don't want to be away from her too long as she needs some cuddles and TLC so she can feel better. The weather outside is not helping as we have had sleet and snow for the last few days and I am bouncing off the walls here in our small apartment. I am hoping she gets better soon so we can at least run up and down the stairs so I can release some of my high strung energy.
Today's topic is about settling. With all this down time in the last few days with my mommy, we have been discussing the concept of settling. She has told me that all her life people have pushed her to settle. Settle for certain schools, safe careers and most of all settle for love. She said it made her more rebellious and determined to see her goals through even more. She said she always felt different as a child from the rest of her family as pertaining to what she wanted in life. Being a voracious reader also made her see the world outside her neighborhood and want more in life. She wanted great friends, exciting creative work, travels all around the world and most of all a soul mate love. All of her decisions have been to attain these goals. I have been snipped from an early age so I have to try really hard to imagine doggie soul mate love. I guess Q-Ball is the closest I have ever come to that.
When you have people who love you, sometimes they want to make sure you are safe and well guarded in this world. Sometimes their ideas for you are very practical and though they really mean well for you, it's just not you and you know you would not be a happy pup if you follow their suggestions. Mommy told me when she did settle for certain things in life it all backfired and didn't work any way. I think that is the universe helping push you toward your real goals and passions. My mommy and I decided to just not settle in any areas of our lives now. We will be cautious and practical when we can but when it comes to the big picture we are going for our dreams and goals. No settling for us. If that means it's just us from now on and we have to have lifestyle changes to live this life then let it be. My mommy and I want to be happy and we know we deserve the best because we are a good team. She is a good mommy and I am a sweet, lovable, smart, handsome dog. When you don't settle you don't have regrets. So we are reaffirming our goals for this coming new year to follow our passions and goals and not to settle. What does this mean to a small Maltese? I don't know but I will figure it out day by day.
Well, gotta go now as my mommy is now curled up on her couch and it is not looking too good for her. Male Maltese Nurse Powder Puff to the rescue with my cuddles! Chow for now!
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