Oh the weather outside is frightful, but inside it's so delightful. As long as we have no place to go, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
What a morning! After a whole week of not much sleep because I have been waiting up for my mommy to get home from her Christmas socializing (I can't sleep until I know she is home and safe) I am feeling a little tired and run down. Although the snow outside is pretty, it means I am stuck in my apartment and will come down with a good old-fashioned case of...SMALL APARTMENT FEVER!! Mayor Michael Bloomberg is on the news now giving telling people in Spanish about the snowstorm but his Spanish pronunciation is so bad that no Hispanics will know about the snow storm (unless they happen to look outside the window). Which leads me in my boredom to search the web for some good gossip for you. See, my loss is your gain.
First gossip post: right near where my mommy was having dinner last night, Jennifer Aniston and her boyfriend singer John Mayer were promoting her upcoming movie, I mean going to dinner at La Esquina. The gossip blogs have a good name for relationships like this, they call it a "showmance" meaning two celebrities get together and pretend to have a romance going so they can generate publicity for their upcoming movie/tour. Although Hollywood has been doing this for decades, it is now considered an art form how celebrities manipulate the media. Then they dare complain about the lack of privacy in their lives! We in this household are Team Jolie, we like Brad and Angelina and think Jennifer Aniston is boring, whining and a media martyr. At least B&A are trying to make the world a better place to be.
In promoting her next movie, "The Spirit" it seems as Scarlett Johanson's famous ta ta's were missing! A picture without Scarlett's boobies not hitting her chin has hit the internet. Does this mean she has been relying on a pushup bra the whole time? I am going to tell my mom that there is hope for her yet!
In the realm of strange news this week, a baby who was thought to have a tumor growing in his brain was actually growing a perfectly formed foot and part of the small intestines inside his brain. This is what is called a teratomas which means a fetal twin starts developing inside your body. This case was unusual as the foot was perfectly formed when it was removed and it was growing in the brain. Luckily the baby is doing fine now. Strange but true!! I wonder if this ever happens to doggies? Imagine a dog head popping out of your armpit! LOL!
In funny celebrity news, actor Jeremy Piven pulled out of doing David Mamet's play, "Speed the Plow" using the excuse of "mercury poisoning" for dropping out of the play. David Mamet seeing this as ridiculous as "the dog ate my homework" excuse released the following statement: :"I talked to Jeremy on the phone and he told me that he discovered that he had a very high level of mercury. So my understanding is that he is leaving show business to pursue a career as a thermometer." LOL! Thanks David for calling out Jeremy on his diva like behavior and poor excuse for not finishing up the play. I like when people get called out for their bad behavior. My excuse for my bad behavior is "Hey, I'm a dog and the jute rug smells like grass to me!"
But perhaps the best gossip of the week is that Sarah Palin's daughter's soon to be mother-in-law was arrested in a drug bust this week and now faces six felony charges! Whoa Nelly! Sarah Palin just keeps giving and giving. Sarah Palin's response so far has been: "This is not a state government matter. Therefore the governor's communications staff will not be providing comment or scheduling interview opportunities." I don't think we are really surprised any more when it comes to Governor Sarah Palin and her family's issue. As my mommy likes to say, "Governor Palin, your family needs you more than your country!"
Oh well, I am going to cut it short today as I see my mommy has to run some errands so I am going to have some quality time with her (translation: stare at her as she takes a shower) before she leaves and goes out in the snow. I know she is wishing she could stay snuggling with me but a mommy's got to do what a mommy's got to do. Chow for now!
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