I decided Friday is going to be the day to update The Powder Puffington Post on all gossip matters big and small for those of you who have no time (or if you have a life) to do the proper research. Let's get to our first juicy tidbit:
Sadness :( The iconic Betty Page has passed away at the tender age of 85. What is a girl to do when she outgrows her rebellious Goth phase? She tries her best to emulate Bettie Page's pinup style complete with raven hair, bangs, red lips and retro clothes from Salvation Army (let's not forget the tons of tattoo's that come with this look). Anyway as a male dog I appreciate any bitch with a strong sense of style. She will be missed! Funny little fact about Bettie, after her career as a pinup girl she became a devout "born again Christian", don't they all, don't they all!
Oh the horror! An actor in Vienna, Austria was performing in the play "Mary Stuart" when he went to use the prop knife to slit his throat. However someone had switched it for a real knife and the actor slit his own throat. The audience was impressed with what they thought was great special effects but was actually the actor's own blood. After he did not rise to take a bow his fellow thespians realized what had happened. Luckily the actor missed a major artery otherwise he would have bled to death. He is on the road to recovery and the play went from being a horror to now a mystery as detectives are trying to figure out who switched the knife. Mmmm, me smells a publicity stunt gone wrong here. I'm such a jaded NYC dog!
Stay tune for another "entertainer" with their own fashion line. Kanye West is going to take some time off from producing "high art" to become an intern at Louis Vuitton in London. Just what the world needs, another fashion line by someone who thinks they are the epitome of fashion yet do not want to do any of the real work of what really goes into becoming a fashion designer. Okay, onto the next gossip, I am becoming a little disgruntled today.
Mother Plucker! This is a funny post and it could only happen in Germany. On the TV reality show, "Farmer Gets a Wife", 71 year old Hansi picked 66 year old Marianne as his wife. However Hansi in front of million of viewers proceeded to show his new bride to be how to pleasure a chicken and give them an orgasm! She decided that maybe after all this wasn't the man for her and left him. Don't worry guys, PETA is already on it as they filed a complaint about the molestation of chickens but Hansi's reply was "Hansi is always happy when the chickens are happy.” Hmmm, I wonder if the dogs, cats, pigs and cows on his farm are "happy" too?? Only in Germany!
I was going to recommend movies to see this weekend but except for "Doubt" they all look pretty boring (just like all the other movies this year). Hey, "Australia" is still playing. For the women (and some men) you can lust after Hugh Jackman's manliness and for all others you can see if there is any movement in Nicole Kidman's forehead. A win/win situation if I ever heard one. Since I can't go to the movies, please let me know if you have seen anything I or my mom would be interested in seeing.
I'm going to leave you with a cute video of a hedgehog getting a bath. I didn't know hedgehogs liked to float on their backs but the real funny part of this video is hearing the hedgehog's owner coo after him. She sounds like Jodie Foster in "Nell", Taaa dooo nay nay funnngoo meee!
Oh well, for the first time in days, the sun is out so hopefully that means more than a five minute walk for me as I am starting to feel the effects of cabin fever (or "small apartment fever").
Chow for now!
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