Boy have I been waiting forever to write on this topic! My name is Powder Puff. I was named because if you saw my cute puppy pictures you would see what looks like a powder puff with two black eyes and a nose. My mommy named me after what she thought I looked like. Q-Ball, my sister, was named by my "biological" father Klaus who thought Q-Ball looked like a white billiard ball since she would scamper from room to room bumping into walls and rolling back in a white fluffy ball.
My poor mom has to hear almost on a daily basis comments about the choice of names for her dogs (or now dog as it's just me). Sure, mom didn't give us typical dog names like; Rex, Spot or Snoopy but my mom is not your typical lady. She is a creative being. Q-Ball and I also were not your typical dogs. We live in New York City and have had a charmed life with a mommy who has loved us very much and wanted always the best for us. We are not pets to her, we are her luvs. Sometimes she thinks if she had given us a more traditional name it would have been easier on her, but she does not regret her choices. Also I get a lot of gruff for having such a girly girly name. Q-Ball's name received some comments as her name was quite butch for such a beautiful princess dog. This is how our names came to be. For some reason both my mom and Father Klaus could not tell if we were a girl or boy dog. They did guess but they guessed wrong. My mom said it was because we both were covered with so much hair that it was confusing. I know when you hear this you roll your eyes and think to yourself, "Um, duh! Anyone can figure that out!" But mind you my mom and Father Klaus (a man with a PhD and TWO law degrees) did not figure it out. By the time the vet let them know they had confused our genders my mom thought it would be too confusing to change our names (we had been with her for only three days by then) and she did name us for what she thought we represented so the names stayed in the picture.
Sometimes my mom's friends are embarrassed to say our names in public, but hey that's their problem not mine. Once while Q-ball and I were on the beach in Amangansett, we decided to be naughty and make a break for it to run around like crazy on the beach. My mom's friend Jonathan Bell went running after us. He didn't say anything while chasing us. As he came back to mom with two frisky puppies in his arm, he huffed, "I just couldn't yell out, 'Powder Puff! Q-Ball!'" So he had to chase after us for awhile! Silly!! My Uncle Adrian is okay with saying our names now. Oh well, he is a metrosexual. They are known for being quite open. What is important is that we were named with love.
However some people are not quite so fortunate. They are named with traces of hate. In the news recently some white supremacists in Easton, PA (umm, I will be visiting Easton, PA soon for the holidays as there are some Rivera's there) were offended when the local ShopRite did not want to write their child's name on his birthday cake. What is his name you ask? It's Adolf Hitler Campbell! WTF!! They named him after Hitler because they thought he would have a very original name. What ever happened to naming your child after fruit for originality? I think Princess KaKa Head is original but I wouldn't name my puppies it. Why would you do that to your child whom you claim to love? These parents should have had their child taken away from them after naming their child Adolf Hitler as they obviously did not have the child's well being and his future in mind. Now I am a cute, cuddly doggy who really spends most of his day thinking how many treats I can get out of my mother and how many naps I can sneak in before noon, but this raises the hair on my body as I PP rarely have such strong opinions (ok, I have at least one strong opinion a day and I tend to post those on this blog).
Well, the parents of this child had the nerve to whine about ShopRite refusing to do the cake order (Walmart had no problem with the cake order) so they went to the press. They claim they don't hate people of other races, religions and cultures they just don't want to mix with them. This couple also has two other children with unfortunate names; JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell and Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie Campbell. I would be afraid if I was this couple because I am guessing in a couple of years when these kids grow up the parents are going to wake up one day surrounded by the flames their children will set in the middle of the night to their bedroom for being such awful parents who let their children be the target of every schoolyard bully, terminal unemployment and the general contempt of society. These children are either going to be serial killers or convert to Buddhism and become disciples of peace. I don't know about this world. Most everyday I think it's a great little world I live in and then I read this and want to nap for 23 hours straight. Oh well! I actually hope one day these people will recognize the error of their ways and make it better and by changing their son's name to Obama Apricot Campbell. One can only hope. I leave you with a picture of the offensive couple and their unfortunate child.
Well, on a much lighter note, my mommy went to a masquerade party last night (I wasn't invited as there would be too many people and the chances of being crushed were quite high) and she had a great time (she picture of the hosts above). She came back at 4am! The little hussy!! (I kid mommy!). Anyway after the party she went salsa dancing at Plan B with some friends and really improved her salsa dancing because she had a good dancing partner. Whenever she wears those Kate Spade gold shoes she seems to have a good time. I was happy for her. I stayed home and watched a marathon of Law and Order. Quality stuff! Happily my mom woke up without a hangover (which really puts a dent in my day when she does) and we hit the ground running today. We have lots to do for the next few days leading to Christmas and we are excited as tomorrow there will be a nice snowstorm coming our way to really make it feel like Christmas. Oh well, that was a long post today so I am going to end now and take a nice nap. But before I leave I will leave you with a cute kitty video. You heard of SNL's "Dick in a Box", well here we have "Pussy in a Box". Literally. Chow for now!
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