Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Unemployment. The Most Fun You Will Ever Have Without A Job

With so many people unemployed these days due to our terrible economy, it is funny how people start to pass their idle time.

First we have the snuggie pub crawl. The Snuggie™—that adawable bwanket with sweeves that's basically a hoodless monk's cowl with a trademark. With the Snuggie™, your hands are free to work a remote control, massage your lover's feet, or pound Jäger in public.

New York's FIRST Snuggie Pub Crawl is in the works, and already over 50 Snuggie™ enthusiasts have signed up! The date is still T.B.D., but the vision of a mob of pseudo-ironic drunks stumbling around in their creepy Snuggies™ makes the ritual orgy scene in Eyes Wide Shut seem somehow comforting by comparison. And while we don't want to contemplate what a drunken Snuggie™ hook-up would look like, now we can't help ourselves!

Second we have the Unemployment Olympics held this week in New York City. The lighthearted competition was only open to the unemployed, and included a such games as 'Pin the Blame on the Boss' and 'Office Telephone Toss'.

Christopher Dawes tosses an office phone during the Unemployment Olympics in New York, Tuesday, March 31, 2009.

A participant in the Unemployment Olympics wearing a Lehman Brothers shirt, tries to find the boss in the game 'Pin the Blame on the Boss' in New York.

People sign up for the Unemployment Olympics in New York.

There are so many things you can do when unemployed in New York. What me and mom like to do most is act like tourists, go to museums, spend time with our friends and family, ice skate in the early afternoon, see movies with friends in the early afternoon, walking in Central Park, walking up and down Madison Avenue with your best clothes on visualizing a better future.

We here at the PPP are into taking a bad situation and making the best of it and that includes unemployment. So if you find yourself suddenly unemployed, relax, have a drink, go get a massage, go see a comedy, sleep late, watch Maury Povich and enjoy the downtime because trust me it's not going to last. Believe me when I say your former colleagues who are still employed and doing the work of many with a pay cut are very envious of you now. Take it from one who's been there. Chow for now!

Babies! Babies! Babies!

I woke up this morning trying to figure out what to write about today but there were so many pictures of celebrities and their babies I thought today we would have a "Celebrity Baby Update".

First baby: Jessica Alba's baby Honor Marie Warren. The funny thing here is that Jessica Alba is infamous for not smiling at the camera and always scowling. Here we see that her daughter Honor has inherited her mother's lack of a sense of humor as she sports her own perma frown. I look like this when my mom eats chocolate in front of me as she doesn't share her chocolate with me. Something about it being toxic and me dying. Yeah right!

Second baby: here is Halle Berry's adorable little girl Nayla who is now one year old and loves to dress in girly tutu's. I wouldn't mind dressing in a tutu. It looks like fun. However I don't know if I can explain the tutu with being a metrosexual dog. It may be pushing the limits of metrosexuality. I'll have to ask my Uncle Adrian.

Third baby: this story is a little bizarre. In this April's Vanity Fair top model Gisele Bundchen talks about how she feels her husband's child with his former girlfriend Bridget Moynahan, feels like her child. I don't know if it's because English is not her first language but my mommy says if anyone said this about me she would "bring the bitch down". Here is a little of the interview:

"I understand that he has a mom, and I respect that. But to me, it's not like because somebody else delivered him, that's not my child – I feel it is, 100 percent. I want him to have a great relationship with his mom, because that's important, but I love him the same way as if he were mine. I already feel like he's my son, from the first day. He's a little angel – the sweetest, most cuddly, loving baby. I feel blessed to have him in my life."

Them are fighting words! We are definitely on Team Bridget! She basically said, it's my baby and I don't mind if he has a relationship with his mother. Very disrespectful to the real mom.

Another bizarre baby story is OctoMom and Angelina Jolie. It is rumored that Angelina Jolie wants to give OctoMom a little financial help with the babies. "Angelina is worried about the best interests of the kids. As a mom of six, she knows how chaotic and costly raising a big family can be. She doesn't necessarily approve of Nadya, and she doesn't want to turn the situation into even more of a circus."

I have my own theory of why people like OctoMom and Angelina have so many children. Neither of the women seem like very likable or approachable. They aren't women who are popular and have many friends. I think they are creating their own world by adopting or having so many children so they don't have to make friends and deal with their problems. Yup, just a little pup psychology. Good luck Brad!

An even more bizarre baby story than all the above is Madonna trying to adopt another child from Malawi. She has her eye on a three year old girl named Mercy. Don't get me wrong, I think adoption is great when done right but I am so tired of celebrities just going into a country and thinking they have pick of the litter. Especially when the child still has a parent or grandparent alive. In both Angelina Jolie and Madonna's adoption of African children the children had parents that were alive but the child was in an orphanage because they could not afford them. If you have such a strong bond to this particular child, why not give the parents enough money so they can be raised by their kin? Why take them away? Also why not pick a child that is truly an orphan? These days orphanages aren't what they use to be in the old days. Because of extreme poverty many kin leave the children at the orphanages so they can be fed and not starve to death. Many families have plans to get the children back when they can afford to and work toward that goal.

Madonna's adoption was delayed because the government now has some questions for Madonna. First being that now she is a single mother. Also she would be too old to adopt in most countries by FIVE years, so why give her any special privileges? Isn't her 22 year old boyfriend enough for her? The girl's grandmother also is very upset as she had the child put in the orphanage until six years old and then she was going to take her back. She had an agreement with the orphanage and now is very upset that her granddaughter is on the auction block. Also Madonna has made the village angry because she is going to built a school in the village, however she is building it on people's personal property without their permission and they don't want to give up their land and homes. The government is making them (you know like when they build a highway through your land and you have no rights). When a journalist asked Vadge if she was worried about the situation, she shouted back, "NO!" She apparently feels since she is willing to compensate them financially that should be enough.

Umm, don't know if you can tell, but we here at the PPP aren't exactly Madonna fans. Adoption is too serious an issue and the rules shouldn't be bend for celebrities.

My last baby story is Gwen Stefani's cutie patootie baby Zuma. Here is Gwen playing in the park with her little Buddha baby. He is almost as cute as the Powder Puff. Almost!

Well, that it's for now. If you didn't have a biological clock before, you do now!

Chow for now!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

I Ask You...

On April 1st it would have been Q-Ball's 6th birthday. The PPP ask you to please contribute any story or memory you have of Q-Ball so we can do a post it in her memory.

So any thoughts, memories, stories, observations you have of our precious Q-Ball will be posted this Wednesday. You can leave your comments on either the PPP comment section or email us at natalie_nyc@yahoo.com

We appreciate taking your time to help us keep Q-Ball's memory alive. We miss her very much and can't believe she is not around to celebrate her birthday as she was the ultimate April's Fools.

I hope you had a nice weekend! Chow for now!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Gossip Friday - March 27th 2009

It's our silliest post of the week, Gossip Friday! Or more specifically Celebrity Gossip. I have been working hard this week to find you the silliest post and here they are:

First, I came upon some of these pictures of animals getting a B-A-T-H (we spell this word out in our household to make sure I don't get anxious). Well, I am sure somewhere in my hard drive there is evidence of how silly I look when I take a B-A-T-H but who has the time to search so I will show you some other pets and their love of B-A-T-H-I-N-G.

In Hollywood there is a new type of plastic surgery on the rise and it's called Madamism! Remember Madame? (from Wayland Flowers and Madame.) She was a tranny looking and acting puppet who appeared on Solid Gold, Hollywood Squares and had a short lived TV show, Madames Place. It's been noted about Joan Rivers' growing similarity to Madame. But when we really looked around we saw that many celebrities like Dolly Parton, and Madonna looked like Madame something clicked... overdone facework turns you into a puppet-head!... we are calling it Madamism!!

We have been sick here in at the PPP offices so we are making it a short post for today so we can get to bed and rest. I wish you all a great weekend! Chow for now!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Oh the Sadness!!

The PPP has been following the story of all the innocent baby seals being slaughter in Canada. Rebecca Aidsworth, the Director of Canadian Wildlife Issues for The Humane Society of the United States has been in Canada documenting this atrocity and here is her first hand account:

After the sealing vessels left yesterday, we landed on the ice to document the aftermath. We passed one pup who had crawled into a small cave formed by ice. He hid his head as we approached, clearly terrified. I tried to talk softly to him, to let him know that it would be okay. But he just lay there, hiding his head.

This 3-week-old seal pup had just seen hundreds of others beaten to death in front of him. To him, people now mean clubs and violence and pain.

It took less than three days for sealers to slaughter 19,200 seal pups. The ProtectSeals team was there to document as they killed virtually every seal in sight -- just to produce fur coats that no one needs.

Tomorrow, the killing starts again, and the team is readying to fly to the remote area where this next phase will occur.

We need to show the world that the carnage is worse than ever -- and that despite the Canadian government's promises, the hunt is as cruel and merciless as ever.

The ProtectSeals team found only a few pups who survived the slaughter on Wednesday, the third day of this year's harp seal hunt. It’s only the beginning of the carnage—at least 280,000 seals will be butchered by the time the hunt is over. We are committed to keep exposing the cruelty on the ice for as long as it takes to end it forever.

Please, help us make this the last spring that these beautiful creatures face this senseless slaughter.

You can cut and paste this site and donate so that we can all work on making sure this doesn't happen again.


I don't know about you but my mommy and I very sad about this story. We feel so bad for the baby seals left alone with all their dead friends around them. They were living their life one day and the next day man comes and commits these atrocities on them. Even Russia is not doing this anymore! Please donate to this cause or at least write to let the Canadian government know how against you are of this slaughter.

Chow for now!

Pet Finder Pet of the Week - Oreo

Sorry we are posting so late today. My mommy was incapacitated today due to the flu and since she is my secretary and I count on her to post for me I had to wait until she felt good enough to get out of bed.

It's one of our favorite post for the PPP, it's the Pet Finder of the Week spotlight and today we are going to spotlight Oreo. A one year old female Papillon.

Usually I post on a rescue dog that needs a lot of help to get adopted but today I decided to experiment and see if posting a dog that requires very little special attention would help too.

I decided to pick the Papillon breed because they are supposedly very desirable, smart and easy to live with. One my blog a few weeks back Papillons were listed as one of the ten top smartest breeds of dogs (yes, I am as dumbfounded as you that they and not Maltese made the list). So today we are spotlighting Oreo. Her bio reads as follows:

Oreo's a great dog--lovable, happy, fun-loving--about a year old. She's pretty frisky, and needs a play partner. If you don't already have one, consider her best friend, a Chihuahua puppy named Peanut. For more information, please email Lisa at lisanicony@aol.com.

This pet is up to date with routine shots.
This pet is already house trained.

* City Critters Inc.
* New York, NY
* (212) 252-3183

So if you know of anyone that would love to adopt Oreo please contact Lisa at the above info. She is quite cute if I say so myself.

Chow for now!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

This Must Stop Now!

The PPP has been following the slaughter of innocent seal calves in Canada, even with the protest of hundreds of thousand and Russian refusing to partake in this barbaric act which few nations refuse to now even purchase the slaughtered seals yet these heartless individuals insist on the slaughter using "tradition" as their excuse.
Here is the sight of bloody ice from the slaughter of innocent baby seals.

The Humane Society of the United States has been following this story and here is an eyewitness account of the slaughter of the baby seals:

Only Silence Remains

Live From the Ice

Follow HSI/Canada's Rebecca Aldworth as she documents Canada's commercial seal kill, and take action to end this bloody business»

Posted 9 PM AST

This afternoon, we reached the scene of the commercial harp seal slaughter in the ice floes in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Our helicopter flew through gale force winds—slowed by massive gusts—to reach the carnage.

What was once the best place on Earth is now one of the worst.© The HSUS/Aldworth
By the time we arrived, we had little fuel and almost no time to spend there before sundown. But it didn't take long for us to fully comprehend the atrocity happening on the ice below.

It's hard to write this, because it is hard to think about what I have just seen.

The blood was visible from the air, from 2,000 feet away. The carcasses were dumped—as they always are—left to rot in the blood of the slaughtered seals. These seals are killed for their fur in a pointless slaughter, all for vanity and fashion.

From the air, we could see the babies try to crawl away, to escape as the sealers bore down on them.

But they were no match for men armed with hakapiks and knives. In seconds, the sealers reached the defenseless pups, and beat the terrified animals to death.

We landed on the ice to observe the killing from there. We ran across the floe toward the area where the sealers were killing seals. Seeing us, they stopped their grisly work, got back on their vessel and left the area.

The sealers know that the images of the slaughter are their undoing. They will do anything to prevent us from obtaining our evidence—including occasionally leaving a few survivors behind.

Two pups remained on the floe—alone and terrified, they were left to crawl through the blood and carcasses. These animals were born in the beginning of March. Now, just three weeks later, they have been subjected to violence more obscene than most adult humans can fathom.

I take some small comfort in the knowledge that those two seals are still alive on that pan of ice because we were there today.

What remains of the harp seal nursery is the carnage, the devastation, and the complete absence of the sounds of the seals. What was once the best place on Earth is now one of the worst.

To see the videos and read more on this atrocity please cut and paste:


We can use our voice to end this slaughter.

Chow for now!

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Emperor of Pugs

We haven't done a movie review in quite sometime at the PPP so when we saw, "The Emperor", a documentary on fashion designer Valentino we thought it would be the perfect film to review as it features two subjects that the PPP loves most; fashion and dogs.

Here are five out of the six pugs onboard Vava's private jet.

This documentary was a lap dog's dream as we got to see how Valentino leads a lavish lifestyle with his longtime companion Giancarlo Giammetti as they jet and yacht around the world spending time at their palazzos and mingling with the jet-set of the world. However one would agree that the real stars of the show are the couple's six pugs; Milton, Monty, Maude, Margot, Maggie and Molly. These pugs who go everywhere Valentino goes (lucky!) also have a butler that serves their every need (double lucky!!). They go on Valentino's yachts, private jets and have run of the grounds of his palazzos. These pugs are living my dream life.

Life with Vava!

Valentino is filmed saying, "Nothing is not as important to me as my dogs, not even the collection". Ah! Gay men and their dogs, they got it right.

I hate having my teeth brushed!

Valentino has always had pugs, and every time one passes away he gets a new one. Valentino's friend Lynn Wyatt says “I mean, they die, and he gets more pugs, and he’s just always had pugs, and when they snore, he loves it, and when they snort, he loves it,” she said, laughing.

A little exercise on the grounds of their palazzo. Just an ordinary day in the life of a pug.

Model Coco Rocha explained how the pugs assisted their master in his business. “When we’re walking for our fittings, they walk alongside us. They’re showing us how it’s done,” she said. But they're not always so pleasant off duty. Gwyneth Paltrow says her young children are obsessed with the dogs, adding, “They’re kind of mean; they’re not really good kids’ dogs. But my daughter is undeterred, she keeps trying.” Um, not only are Valentino's dogs spoiled but they are also smart and discerning in their choice of company.

LOL! My mommy makes me model her jewelry too!

One "little idiot," as Valentino calls her, urinates during photo shoot for the movie poster above. I personally wouldn't care if I was called a "little idiot" if I had such a lifestyle so one can forgive "Vava" as Valentino likes to refer to himself.

So we here at the PPP give, "The Emperor" a big paws up as we think you would be fascinated to look at the lifestyle and loves of Vava. It will have you wanting to believe in reincarnation and wanting to come back as one of Valentino's pugs. I can't complain. I too am spoiled and loved much. I may not have jets, yachts and palazzos to run wild in but I do lead a charmed life. Here is a little snippet of the documentary:


Chow for now!

Sunday Sermon - Pope Benedict's XVI Trip to Africa

I didn't know if I wanted to write about the Pope's trip to Africa as the PPP has very mixed feelings about the Catholic church. However after reading about Pope Benedict's sermons throughout his tour of African countries, I was left wondering if his tour did more harm than good.

First of all the Pope created much controversy whilst still in his Alitalia jet as he told reporters that condoms were not the answer to Africa's severe AIDS epidemic, suggesting that sexual behavior was the issue here.

How can a spiritual leader preach a dogma that can literally lead to the death of countless humans. Africa is not in the position to have the luxury to preach abstinence. They are in a life and death situation and although it may go against dogma, a spiritual leader should realize the true nature of humans and help them not hinder them. It is this staunch, inflexible interpretation of the Bible that is going to be the end of the Catholic church as they seem incapable of evolving into modern times.

Africa is still the "dark" continent as they suffer from genocide, modern day slavery, an AIDS epidemic, rape used as a weapon against women, famine, extreme poverty, lack of education, corruption and a complete disrespect for human rights.

While making a strong appeal for woman's rights, he stated, "It is nearly always the woman who maintains intact human dignity, defends the family and protects cultural and religious values," the pontiff said, lamenting that the importance of family "is not given the consideration it deserves."

Many peace movements in Africa have been started by women of all religions praying for peace and it was admirable of the Pope to recognize and encourage this. He condemned sexual violence against women, but also chided the 45 African countries that have approved abortion in cases of rape or incest or when a mother's life is in danger. One step forward, three steps back.

The strongest messages Pope Benedict XVI related in his sermons dealt with the many wars taking place in Africa due to corruption. Speaking from a tented pink altar, the pope said evils in Africa had "reduced the poor to slavery and deprived future generations of the resources needed to create a more solid and just society. How true it is that war can destroy everything of value," said Benedict.

If the Catholic church is to do any good in Africa (the continent with the fastest growing Catholic population in the world) it must continue to focus on the evils of war, rape and poverty and not interfere in their health crisis and a woman's right to abortion.

It seems unlikely that the Catholic church will learn to evolve in today's world. To live in the thoughts and morality of thousand of years ago has proven to not be very helpful or even spiritual in today's world. I can't see how it will survive past the 21st century. I can't see Jesus being pleased with how his sheep are being tended to in the poorest nations on earth. The Catholic church does a disservice to third world nations today but of course, those are always the nations with the most Catholics as Catholicism and poverty seem to go hand in hand.

Chow for now!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

World Society for the Protection of Animals

The PPP is an advocate for animal rights and we pride ourselves in exposing injustices committed against animals and highlighting charities that help animal causes. So today we dedicate our post to the World Society for the Protection of Animals.

The WSPA is an organization that dedicates itself to protecting animals worldwide. If you think that animals in the USA suffer from cruelty just think of what happens to them worldwide, especially in developing countries where people don't even respect human life.

The World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) is an international animal welfare organization. It is also the world's largest alliance of animal welfare groups, connecting over 900 independent animal welfare organizations (known as "Member Societies") in more than 150 countries to raise the standards of animal welfare around the world.

For more than twenty-five years, WSPA has assisted animals in need throughout the world, and has built a solid reputation as one of the world's leading animal welfare organizations. It was created through a merger of two other organizations who have experience dating back fifty years.

WSPA's programs include a mix of direct fieldwork, campaigning, education and training, and member society development. They concentrate their resources on several project areas (see below). Among other efforts, WSPA responds to disaster situations on the ground, campaigns to end specific forms of cruelty, encourages communities to respect animals through education efforts, and funds sanctuaries for animals rescued from exploitation. Much of their work is carried out by their member societies, with support of WSPA expertise and funding.

So please take a look at the WSPA website and inform yourself on the abuses of animals worldwide and learn what you can do to make this world a better place for them to live.


Chow for now!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Gossip Friday - March 20th 2009

Wow! What a week it has been! We have had a roller coaster week here at the PPP but we are happy to announce it ended on a high note. Also we celebrated the PPP's 100th post this week so "Onto the news!" The celebrity gossip news!

First, the PPP would like to send our condolences to the family of the late, great actress Natasha Richardson. It is always sad when someone young, full of life and vibrancy are taken from their family and friends. Besides being a talented, accomplished actress Natasha Richardson was a devoted wife, mother, friend and AIDS activist. What has gotten the PPP's attention is how everyone who knew her had nothing but stellar accolades to say about Natasha. She seemed really happy and contented in her life and her career. I can tell this because everyone remarks how down to earth and incredibly nice she was to every one she met and that to me is a sign that you are happy in your life. That is a rare thing to hear in the celebrity world. It makes us at the PPP think about how we would want to be remembered if we to suddenly past away and it inspires us to be better beings, spend more time with the one's we love and follow our passions. Tash, you will be sorely missed!

Other news this week is very sad :( Oprah who just recently adopted two cocker spaniel puppies Ivan and Sadie had a very sad lost when Ivan succumbed to Parvo (a canine disease that puppies can get before they complete their immunizations). Oprah had only had him a weekend before he passed away. Sadie also caught Parvo but she seems to be pulling through after a touch and go few days and is expected to make it. My mommy didn't let Q-Ball and I touch the ground outside until we had all our shots so we couldn't catch this horrible disease as it in the environment. So let's send some good thoughts to Sadie and a prayer to Ivan who is now frolicking in puppy heaven with Martha Stewart's dog Genghis Chan.

On to lighter news... Well Lindsay Lohan is official a joke. She did an interview for Nylon magazine (I don't know why she keeps scoring interviews as she has no movies to promote) and she has the nerve to complain that she doesn't work because the public is more interested in her personal life than her acting career.

"It's scary when you realize, 'Oh my God, I'm not working. And I have a house to pay for now.'… and there's been some things I've really wanted to do. Like the one movie I've wanted to do for so long is Alice in Wonderland [directed by Tim Burton]. But, um, that didn't work out… it is what it is."

There are some other hardcore druggies who do take her meetings, "One is Sean Penn -- I spoke to him the other day. We're trying to get Seth Rogen for this project, but Seth won't call us back. So call us back, Seth, if you're reading this!"

That's taking responsibility for your actions! She drinks, fights, does drugs, crashes her car all around town and it's not her fault she is not working. It's quite pathetic (yes we here at the PPP have been known to judge).

Onto even more ridiculous news...A family of four with a combined weight of 83 stone say they are "too fat to work" and need more than the £22,000 they currently receive in benefits in the UK.

To quote the Telegraph, The Chawners, haven't worked in 11 years, claim their weight is a hereditary condition and the money they receive is insufficient to live on.

Mr Chawner said: "What we get barely covers the bills and puts food on the table. It's not our fault we can't work. We deserve more."

The family claim to spend £50 a week on food and consume 3,000 calories each a day. The recommended maximum intake is 2,000 for women and 2,500 for men.

"We have cereal for breakfast, bacon butties for lunch and microwave pies with mashed potato or chips for dinner," Mrs Chawner told Closer magazine.

"All that healthy food, like fruit and veg, is too expensive. We're fat because it's in our genes. Our whole family is overweight," she added.

Now I have heard it all! This family would be chased down the street with pitchforks if they lived in America (um, perhaps a way to lose some weight?) as you know Americans don't care too much for supporting welfare folks in times of economic distressed (just think OctoMom).

My mom says there is no more effective diet than poverty to help you lose weight.

Our last story is not really a story but just a picture of Clive Owen. My mommy has a big crush on him and she is going to see his movie "Duplicity" this weekend even though he stars with that twat, Julia Roberts (she made me say it!). So here is a picture of Clive for all the ladies (and the men because we know you all have a man-crush on Clive too).

Well, that is all for now. I hope you have a great Friday night and a great weekend! Chow for now!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The PPP's 100th Post!

Yes, it is a milestone for us at the PPP, today we celebrate our 100th post. Who would have thought? Not I for sure, as when I started this post the thought of posting 100 posts was unimaginable.

Well doing this post has been so much fun and I look forward to the next 100. It is my raison d'etre. It has been fun to see the PPP develop and morph into a voice for causes for animals, women, children and the environment besides my voice. Our weekly and bi-weekly columns such as "Pet Finder of the Week", "Gossip Friday", "Sunday Sermons" and our various fashion posts have been lots of fun and informative for me as well as our readers.

I thank you for following our precious blog and I hope in the future to make the PPP a more widely read blog. I also promise to work on my spelling and grammar for future posts.

I leave you here with a cute picture that I found surfing the web today as that is part of what the PPP is about; letting you know what a cute, little Maltese dog thinks you should know and see.

Chow for now!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Dogs - The Human Kind

Oh to be a modern woman living in New York City. My mommy is one of those women and she has to deal with two types of dogs in her life. One type; the cute, cuddly, small, loving dog type and the other, the aggressive, suave, randy New York male.

I don't know why they call randy men "dogs". They are nothing like us. We are loyal, loving and faithful. The human kind on the other hand can embody every woman's nightmare and quite unlike me really in the end don't even like or respect women even though women are the target of their quest.

My mommy has told me dozens of dating stories about these "dogs". I think because we live in New York City we are exposed to more than the national average of dog men. I do try my best when I meet with the men around her to sniff out the good ones from the bad ones. Luckily I can say that most men my mom let's me meet are good guys who like to play with me and are kind to my mother. However...

Sometimes one "dog" can snake into our lives (hey why don't we just call these men as we see them, "snakes"). Hey these men aren't the Antichrist. They aren't murderers, robbers, AIG executives. They are just looking to take their twisted views of the female race out on any willing woman.

My mom met someone like this recently. She went out with him to tell him she really would rather be friends with him (because my mommy can be a wuss like that, just too polite for her own good). Well, during dinner she tells me that she started to not feel well (she has been under the weather recently) so she didn't have the stamina to let him know she wasn't interested because he wouldn't shut his mouth.

The more time my mom spent with this man the more she knew she was right in her judgement of him. She thinks deep down he is an okay guy but he keeps saying inappropriate things in front of her (like he is a "freak", what does that mean!!). Anyway besides that, the killer of the evening was when she identified the artist of the paintings hanging on the wall (Donald Bachler) and he proceeded to make fun of the paintings and say he could do them. Little did he know that his observations of the paintings (besides the "freak" comment) were the kiss of death to a torturous evening (however she did love the restaurant "Sistina" and the food which we highly recommend as I got to eat the leftovers).

Walking back home, my mom was besieged with requests for another date and soon. My mom and me don't like when human dogs don't read people's signals and energy (the canine type wouldn't make this mistake as we are all about reading your energy). She said she would go out with again to a movie with him and escaped upstairs. Well since then he keeps texting her and doesn't seem to be reading her less than enthusiastic replies (anyone who knows my mom knows to limit the texting as she hates it for dating purposes). Well, I am pushing her to grow some conjones (as I can't since they were snipped off) and just tell this man that she is not interested and to not waste either of their time and she agreed with me.

I hope my mommy learns to not get involved in these situations in the first place as one of her New Year's resolutions was to stop being so polite to people who don't deserve her kindness. She is getting better but she still has a long way to go.

What I don't like about these men is that they are convinced that they love women but they really don't. They don't have any respect for women and they pursue them with the thought that they are romancing them but in reality they really want to disrespect them so that they prove to themselves that women are not of any value and aren't meant to be respected. That is the main difference between the canine dog and the human dog, we love our masters and respect them with our heart and soul.

So I hope in the future the term "he's a dog!" to describe a man with not honorable intentions towards women is dropped and discarded as we canines who are loyal, loving and faithful deserve better. Chow for now!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Did you know...

PP Pondering the Universe

The PPP is proud to introduce a new feature we will be doing on the days we have absolutely nothing to write about and are going through writer's block called "Did you know?"

I will mix this with all sorts of information that I know, my mom knows and what I can pilfer from the internet which will help my boredom from staying in on these cold, gray days.

Did you know...

- That whales evolved from wolves. I KNOW! Hey, I also evolved from wolves too!

- That turkeys evolved from dinosaurs. Makes sense when you see how they walk.

- That Albert Brooks real name is Albert Brooks Einstein. That explains why he comes off so smart.

- 2 billion people still cannot read. What! 2 billion people cannot read the PPP!

- Leonardo da Vinci never built the inventions he designed. That's up to Product Development, just ask my mom.

- Count Alessandro Volta invented the first battery in the 18th century. That's why we have the word, "voltage".

- To make one kilo of honey bees have to visit 4 million flowers, traveling a distance equal to 4 times around the earth. Gee, and I thought I worked hard for this blog!

- Botanically speaking, the banana is a herb. I like to get my four servings of herbs a day :)

- I nap seven hours a day. Just thought you should know.

- Julius Caesar was known as a great swimmer.

- There are more than 600 million telephone lines today, yet almost half the world's population has never made a phone call.

- An exocannibal eats only enemies. An indocannibal eats only friends. A masturcannibal eats himself (just kidding)!

- Towards the end of the Forrest Gump, Forrest narrates that his wife died on a Saturday. When he is at her grave in the next scene, the tomb stone shows her passing on March 22, 1982, which is a Monday.

- Mel Blanc, who played the voice of Bugs Bunny, was allergic to carrots. That's funny!

- In the US, murder is committed most frequently in August and least frequently in February - that's because the month of February is sacrosanct as it is the month my mommy was born.

- About 27% of food in developed countries are wasted each year. It's simply thrown away. Well, it certainly isn't thrown my way!

- According to the US Census Bureau, 19% of US children live in poverty. (1999) Sadness :(

- It was at a concert in Minneapolis in 1954 that Al Dvorin first closed Elvis's concerts with: "Ladies and Gentleman, Elvis has left the building. Thank you and good night." And PP has peed on the floor.

- The first pop video was Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen, released in 1975. Mamma Mia!

- It is impossible to lick your elbow. Trust me on this, Lord knows I try on a daily basis.

Well, congratulations you are now THAT much smarter! Chow for now!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sunday Sermon - Stop Canada's Cruel Seal Hunt!

It has been the PPP's experience upon meeting Canadians that they love to brag how nice they are. I am sure there are many nice Canadians but don't let them fool you! Not all Canadians are so nice and warm hearted (believe me and my mommy as we have met some not so nice Canadians).

When you look out over the miraculous baby seal nursery on the ice floes of Eastern Canada, it's hard to believe that 275,000 harp seal pups may be killed there in a matter of days. You can't imagine the horror until you witness it firsthand.

It may come as a shock that Canada's cruel commercial seal hunt still happens every year at this time -- so many people I've talked to think that the hunt ended years ago.

That's what the Canadian fishing industry wants you to believe, and we won't let it get away with it. You can save millions of baby seals' lives and help end the hunt once and for all -- sign the pledge to boycott Canadian seafood.

Why boycott Canadian seafood? A small group of fishermen in Eastern Canada kill seal pups for their fur during the off-season and sell the pelts -- mostly to European markets -- for a tiny fraction of their income.

The fishing industry won't stop the killing just because it's the humane thing to do, so give it a choice: End the slaughter, or go under.

Our goal is to have one million individuals participating in the boycott -- there are already more than 630,000 people who have pledged to forgo Canadian seafood, and if everyone who sees this post tells 5 friends, we'll meet our goal overnight and send the fishing industry a message it can't ignore.

Next month, the European Union will consider banning its trade in seal products, shutting the doors on one of the largest markets for seal fur.

Lawmakers are responding. We just need you and everyone who reads this post to take this simple pledge on behalf of seals. Let's seal the deal to end the hunt -- take a moment to sign your name, and then tell your friends and family about the plight of baby seals.


Two things will end the slaughter: Shutting down markets for seal fur and hitting the Canadian seafood industry where it hurts most, the bottom line. We're closer than ever to reaching these goals, and your commitment to ending the hunt will make victory possible at last.

Thank you in advance for being part of this massive grassroots mobilization to save seals. Chow for now!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Let the Fur Fly...

out the window!

Hooray! More and more American and European retailers have taken a stance against selling fur in their stores. More and more retailers and designers are rejecting cruelty and potential consumer deception by adopting fur-free policies. Listed here are those who've announced that they don't sell animal fur or are phasing in this policy. We encourage you the consumer to shop in their stores knowing you aren't contributing to the cruel fur trade.

Abercrombie & Fitch
American Apparel
American Eagle Outfitters
Ann Taylor
Apple Bottoms by Nelly
Ashley Paige
Ashley Watson
Bahar Shahpar
Banana Republic
BCBG Max Azria
bebe stores, inc.
Benjamin Cho
Betsey Johnson
Burton Snowboards
Calvin Klein
Champs Sports
Charlotte Ronson
Charlotte Russe
Club Monaco
Coldwater Creek
Cole Haan
Columbia Sportswear Company
Cri de Coeur
Del Forte Denim
Delia's, Inc.
Donna Salyers' Fabulous-Furs
Duckie Brown
Eddie Bauer
Eileen Fisher
Foot Locker, Inc.
Forever 21
The Gap, Inc.
Gary Harvey
Guess?, Inc.
Hard Tail
Helly Hansen
Henri Bendel
Hervé Léger
Hilfiger Denim
Hollister Co.
Honolua Surf Co.
HSN (Home Shopping Network)
Imitation by Imitation of Christ
J. Crew
J. Jill
Jay McCarroll
John Varvatos
Karen Walker
Katharine Hamnett
Kenneth Cole
Lands' End
Lara Miller
Lauren Conrad Collection
Leanne Marshall
Limited Brands
Linda Loudermilk
Loyale Clothing
Lucky Brand Jeans
Malan Breton
Marc Bouwer
Martin + Osa
Max Azria
Max Rave
Mountain Hardwear
Nicole Miller
Old Navy
Organic by John Partrick
Pacific Trail
Paul Frank
Polo Ralph Lauren
Rebecca Beeson
Rebecca Taylor
Sheila Frank
Signature by Levi Strauss & Co.
Stella McCartney
Steve Madden
Stewart + Brown
Sworn Virgins
The Andira Rain Tee Collection
The Limited
The North Face
The Talbots, Inc.
Todd Oldham
Tommy Hilfiger
Urban Outfitters
Victoria Bartlett/VPL
Victoria's Secret
William Rast

Some great statements from the retailers on their stance include:

- "Ashley is definitely an anti-fur designer....She feels very strongly about the environment and animal rights. - Ashley Paige

- Charlotte became a fur-free designer after learning about the cruelty of fur at The HSUS's Cool vs. Cruel event in Nov. 2007. - Charlotte Ronson

- Fabulous-Furs was founded to provide a luxurious alternative to real animal fur, to make the suffering of animals for their fur unnecessary. - Donna Salyers' Fabulous-Furs

- "Esprit's management has always been certain: no real fur is to be seen at Esprit!...For ethical reasons and as a contribution towards maintaining animal diversity, only fake fur is used in the manufacture of Esprit clothing.” - Esprit

- HSN is completely fur-free as of the end of 2008 "We…share your concern about the treatment of animals in the making of fur products. As such, we no longer purchase any product that uses real fur." - Home Shopping Network

- "I am a fur-free designer. I care about animals and love making great clothes that don't cause animals to suffer." - Jay McCarroll

- "We are fur free! Loyale is the first company to work with 100% organic cotton as a faux fur alternative." - Loyale

- Doesn't use fur—"High glamour can be so beautiful without it!" - Malan Breton

- "Fur belongs on an animal, not on a hanger. With the technology available today to create so many variations of fabric, it is just irresponsible to wear fur." - Marc Bouwer

- "Fur free because the suffering of animals is never fashionable." - Philanthropist

- "Everything in my store and every single garment and accessory that you see is cruelty free, in the sense that no animal has died to make anything in here." - Stella McCartney

So let's remember when we go shopping to research retailers and see if they are using fur and if they are to boycott them as you can see from our list here that you are more than covered with retailers who vow to be cruelty free in their aesthetics.

To see the list and website please go to:


Chow for now!

Friday, March 13, 2009


Nothing the PPP loves more than a Dandy! I am a Dandy. I love to dress up, I love my clothes (I have so many). I love mixing and matching colors and patterns. I even love my Halloween costumes (don't tell my mommy).

Well the PPP has found two other individuals who also love to dress up and be dandies. One is a very young boy who goes by the name of Arlo Weiner (his dad is the creator of the television series Mad Men) and the other is a squirrel who goes by the name of Sugar Bush (I know you are surprised I have a squirrel on the site since I love terrorizing them). We have some images of their incredible fashion sense I just had to share.

Arlo loves the fashion sense of the rat pack. Here he is in his "Frank Sinatra" inspire ensemble.

Here is Sugar Bush's rendition of Frank Sinatra.

Arlo loves argyle. "I was going to play miniature golf with my brother Charlie. You can see how much I like to mix patterns. I love argyle—I was wearing argyle socks, too. The red ascot brings out the red in the pants. The only thing I was unsure of was whether the shirt would be weird with the rest of the outfit, but I wore it anyway because it was too hot to wear long sleeves. The hat used to be my dad’s."

Sugar Bush loves argyle too. And for perhaps the same reasons as Arlo.

Arlo also has a love of plaid. As a matter of fact David Beckham once followed Arlo down the street because he was fascinated that Arlo was in plaid head to toe.

Here is Sugar Bush sporting his own version of a plaid scarf.

Arlo has a passion for a good suit. "This is my Valentine’s Day outfit. The jacket and the pants are velvet. I love the tie because it’s really two ties stacked on top of each other. (My dad had to tie it for me.) The pink tie matched the pink shirt. I wore brown-and-white argyle socks for a random pattern."

Sugar Bush loves a good black tie suit so he can romance the ladies.

Arlo has worn this outfit to school a dozen times and has not gotten his ass beaten. I would like to know what school this is.

Sugar Bush wears this Rasta get up to school so his ass WILL NOT be beaten.

Arlo likes the vintage clothes and accessories he has gotten from his family from time to time. "I thought the sunglasses would go well with the pants because they’re both gold. The tie on my neck—that used to be the belt for my bathrobe, but I shortened it and turned it into that. I put the tie with the jacket because I liked the patterns together. My grandma gave me the cane. I thought it looked good with the pants."

Sugar Bush also likes the traditional things in life as he is sporting this vintage sweater from his grand pa (also a dandy as it sometimes runs in the family).

As we know I too have been know to sport a kelly green and sky blue argyle sweater (along with multicolor knit scarf).

It's been a long week, I am so TGIF! I hope you all have a great weekend! Chow for now!