Today I didn't do much. I laid around the house as it was too cold for my mom to give me a long walk. When I realized we were only doing her "5 minute walk" I tried my best to not walk any further but she just pulled me home anyway. She thinks just because my hair is short I should not be out too long but I think it's really because she is too cold to walk. I am going to get fat and soft this winter!
Big news in Doggie World today! My Uncle Michael sent me an article on how it was finally proven that dogs can sense fairness and exhibit jealousy. Finally people are seeing that we are emotional beings with way more intelligence that we are given credit for. I know I impress my mother on a daily basis with my intelligence. She now even calls me her "Little Husband" because of my daily demands on her life. I tell her when to go to bed, how long she should take to get ready and I even stare at her when she is making out with a date (it shortens the kiss considerably). Yep, I rule the roost here, just don't let my mom know.
Also In Doggie World, two puppies saved a three year old who had wandered away from his babysitter. His two puppies followed him into the Virginian woods and as night fell they all cuddled together and kept themselves alive with their body warmth. I have posted a picture of the puppy heroes. They rock!
Well, I am going to sign off and take my 34th nap of the day. I am going to now try to post by noon everyday as my day pretty much goes downhill by then. Chow for now!
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