After spending the night at Uncle Adrian's because we did not have heat at our place (we do now), we are getting ready to celebrate Christmas Eve today. Mom is going to Trinity Church down on Wall Street to meet up with some friends as she always does when she is having Christmas in New York. She is getting ready to host a brunch tomorrow for her friends so we are getting the house in order. I am excited for Santa to come and I will go to my dog bed tonight dreaming of the possible gifts I will receive from my family and friends. I am a little sad because I realize this is the first Christmas without Q-Ball so tonight my mom and I are going to light a candle in her honor.
Mom and I consider ourselves more spiritual than religious. Christmas for us means when you take the time to appreciate the people around you and honor your relationships with them. It's also the time to honor your relationship with your higher being whatever you chose to call that being.
So while mom and I decorate the house for Christmas I am going to take this time to thank all of you in my life. People say I have a dog's life and I do, it's a good one and for that I am thankful. I am going to take tomorrow off from posting so I hope you all have a great holiday, I wish you a Merry Christmas and I just want to let you know I woof u!! I hope Santa gives you all you want this year. Chow for now!
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