The longer I live in this world the more I realize just how lucky I am. I have been a part of a family that has always loved, cherished and welcomed me into their lives. They would not even THINK about getting rid of me as we are all one and share the same heart and hearth. That is why I am so shocked to hear from animal shelters the ridiculous reasons why people return the pets they bought or adopted. Here are just a few:
:: "My dog doesn't match the sofa."
:: "The dog looks evil and has different coloured eyes, just like David Bowie."
:: "My black dog doesn't match new white carpet, can we swap him for a white dog?"
:: "My current dog is too old, can we swap for a puppy or younger model?"
:: "My dog ate the Christmas turkey cooling on the worktop."
:: "My pet guinea pig got worried with a dog in the house."
:: "The dog opened all the presents on Christmas Eve."
:: An owner who accidentally knelt in dog mess while cleaning it up brought the dog in the very next day.
:: A puppy bought as a present for elderly couple with dementia.
:: The negative image of Staffordshire Bull Terriers because of their perceived resemblance to Pit Bull-style dogs.
Can you believe people can be so heartless? Or don't take the time to consider the responsibility of owning a pet? Owning a pet is akin to having a child. My mommy always tells people who are considering adopting a pet about all the time, energy and money it will cost to own a pet. She believes we are well worth it as we are a source of unconditional love (very hard to find in humans these days). If you have the time it takes to train us properly, feed us, provide when we are sick and are looking for love, loyalty, laughter and companionship they I highly recommend you adopt a pet. However if you are on the go, travel a lot for business or pleasure, can't even afford a doctor for yourself, are constantly on a diet of ramen noodle, or think of pets as accessories then you probably are not ready to own a pet.
I know, we are quite cute and cuddily (especially when we are puppies and kittens) but just like children, we grow up and it takes work and respondsibiliy to raise us. So if you and anyone you know is looking to add a pet into your life, please have this discussion with them so we don't have to add another ridiculous reason to this list as to why a pet was returned to a shelter. Unlike that sweater you returned to the store last week, we face the possilbility of being put down when you return us. Why would anyone want that on their conscious?
On a much lighter note, I am happy to report that my mother's crush on Gerard Butler is officially over as she read this morning that he has been seen canoodling with Paris Hilton. YUCK!! I raised my non-existent eyebrows over the last few months whenever I read of him being linked up to various celebrity skanks but this was the last straw for both me and my mommy. I am happy that mommy is over him as I want my mommy to have a good man in her life (real or imaginary). Anyway she still has her crush on Stephen Colbert, Clive Owen and Javier Berdem to get her through the day (too bad they are either married or taken).
Chow for now!
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