Okay, I'm not hungover. I'm a dog who occasionally gets a few sips of dark ale when Uncle Adrian is around and he has a Boddington's in hand. It also isn't my mother's condition as she came home fairly early last night completely sober from the cold, windy night air (she left the party early as one of her 2008 New Year's resolution was to avoid being called a 'cougar' and so far she had succeeded the entire year). However as we took our walk this morning on Third Avenue and had to bypass all the vomit on the sidewalk, we know people are suffering this morning (and yes I tried to lick the vomit off the street, I can't help myself, I'm a dog!).
Today I am feeling much better. Actually I wasn't sick at all yesterday. I was just pretending to not have an appetite in hopes my mom would get me some more turkey drumstick to eat instead of dog food. But after awhile I caved in and ate the dog food. Now I am acting normal and not tooting anymore. Can't blame a dog for trying!
One good sign that 2009 is going to be a good year, TimeWarner and Viacom came to an agreement and we woke up this morning to all our cable channels still in place. Yeah! My mom is happy that she still gets to watch "The Stephen Colbert Show" and I am happy to continue on with my "Dora the Explorer".
Mom is going today to see "Valkyrie" with Uncle Adrian. Although it is on my "paws down" list she wants to go since it is based on Aunty April's boyfriend's family. Let's see when she gets back if she can convince me to give it a "paws up" or if she agreed with my critique. UPDATE: Mom saw "Valkyrie" and has convinced me it is a "paws up". She thought the movie was well done and very exciting. She was put off because all the soldiers had various accents and she felt if all the actors had a consistent German accent it would have been a superb movie.
When mom arrived home last night from her party, she wished me a "Happy New Year" and I actually couldn't comprehend what was different from when she woke me from my nap a few moments beforehand. What is so different, so fresh, so new about January 1st? What could we do today that we couldn't have done yesterday? I don't understand. But hey! If it makes you humans feel like you are getting out of a pair of worn, beaten pair of shoes and into new, shiny, high heels and feeling more confident, then I say 'go for it'! Forgive me, "I have been reading 'The Power of Now'".
I asked my mom if she had any New Year's Resolutions since she knew mine. She said she had a few 'guidelines' for 2009:
1. Get more muscle tone from yoga and her mini trampoline.
2. Work on getting more money to invest in her jewelry line and promote it.
3. Don't settle in life.
4. To work on loving and respecting herself more.
5. Travel more.
I approve of her resolutions.
Anyway, I do wish all the people around me happiness and success on achieving all the goals they have set in their life.
Well, mom and I are going to take the next few days slowly till Monday and feel like we are on vacation (that's the problem when you work at home at all crazy hours, you really have to set "down time hours" and adhere to it without feeling guilty). We are going to take walks (when the weather gets a little less chilly), mom is going to catch a museum show or two, we are going to read at home and listen to music and watch movies (I am going to hide her jewelry tools and supplies so she really can relax). We are going to cuddle and then come Monday work hard again. We have a spring collection to promote and a dog's gotta eat!
Well, enjoy the holiday! I hope you like the new layout. I thought it would be a nice change for the new year. Bagels and Coca Cola are the hangover cure of our choice here in the Rivera household. Happy New Year's Day!! Chow for now!
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