Today's post will be short as my mom is going to take me to Central Park to take some Christmas pictures so stay tuned for some cute pics of me!
My Uncle Adrian sent me some news from England. The BBC is now not going to televise their national dog show which is named "Crufts" as they find that some breeding methods of certain breeds have been deemed cruel as they encourage deformities and diseases by incessant inbreeding. Hooray for the BBC! The Crufts organization would not adhere to the requests the BBC made to exclude some breeds and found the BBC's demands unrealistic.
In "playing God" some breeders have raised pedigree dogs with agonizing physical ailments. For instance King Cavaliers when overbred develop a skull too small for their brains so the dog is in constant pain. My Uncle Adrian tells me I never have to worry about this happening to me. Hey!! Was I just insulted?? Anyway although Q-Ball and I came from a breeder and have pedigree papers we were both lucky to have been bred by a responsible breeder so we were born healthy (hey we cost $2,000 a pop, we better have been born immortal for that price!). Hopefully America will follow suit, but hey we are a little bit behind the times now (that's my Bush!). I never understood why people would want to breed us a certain way as we can be quite cute when we are imperfect (just like you humans). I posted some pictures of what can happen when you humans go a little crazy on us. I will never complain about my short haircuts now that I have seen these pictures!
I will leave you with a video of some cute Christmas gifts: Pug Puppies!! They are from a breeder but they look cute and healthy (nowhere as cute as Q-ball and me but you can't mess with thouands of years of breeding). I do also endorse getting rescue dogs from your local ASPCA. Mom and I are thinking of adopting a sister or brother for me next year from the ASPCA. However we still are in mourning for Q-Ball so right now is not the time.
Here is also a funny homage to popular viral videos from 2008. Well worth the six minutes of your life you will never get back.
Well my mom is done with her French toast (her reward for a hard yoga class). We better go off to Central Park for my photography shoot before she lands in a sugar coma (yes, I know, I lead a glamourous life!). Chow for now!
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