How lucky am I? I got a visitor today from my Auntie Annie! It has been too long since I have seen her. It was a very nice surprise. I of course went crazy at the door spinning around and barking. She came and spent a few hours with me and mommy. I cuddled with her and mommy as they spoke of life, men, love and the economy. We all had a great time and Aunty Annie convinced my mommy that when we move, we should move downtown to be nearer to our friends and take advantage of their good energy. I am now excited to move downtown, hopefully it will be near someplace that has a nice park for me to go to and I don't have to jump over needles left behind by junkies.
In other news, a California company has been selling wigs for pets! Yup, you heard it here first at the PPP. For $30 dollars you can transform your dog or cat and turn them into a mini Dolly Pardon. It is no surprise this comes from California, capital of the fake and bake. What next? Breast implants? Fake tan? Contact lenses? Botox? I hope my mom doesn't get any ideas from this and puts a toupee on my head. I am NOT Elton John.
In super cute animal news of the day staff at Besancon Zoo in eastern France have named a newly born Madagascar lemur Tahina - one of only 17 Propithecus coronatus lemurs living in captivity worldwide.
She is being cared for by vets, who must feed her around the clock with a tiny syringe filled with a mixture of cat and baby milk. She as seen in this photo has adopted a teddy bear as a mother figure to hug and cuddle with. Lemurs were wiped out from other parts of Africa centuries ago by bigger and more aggressive primates. In the wilds around Lake Aloatra in eastern Madagascar, the lemur is still under threat from the villagers who eat them as a local delicacy. Imagine that! How can you eat something so cute and sweet? I definitely would not be safe in Madagascar as I am equally as cute, I don't care how many cute movies Pixar makes of the country.
Anyway I hope when Tahina grows up she doesn't have to go to a pet therapist to deal with issues of having a distant mother who never hugged her back.
Chow for now!
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