Last night I was lucky enough to be invited to a dinner party given by Uncle Michael and Uncle Saad at their lovely townhouse in Chelsea. In Hollywood, movie makers know how popular a movie can become when you have a baby or dog in the film. Uncle Michael and Uncle Saad are savvy in the way that they understand if you invite the right dog and the right baby, your dinner party is just that much better.
I wore my ever so popular green argyle sweater (we forgot the scarf) and I got to ride in the train in my new red bag down to Union Square. We showed up and to our surprise there were other people invited to dinner. You know how much I love a crowd as I am a pack animal but what was best was that there was a one year old baby girl named Gracie who was also a guess. Now sometimes when I meet a baby I have to hold back and see what kind of baby it is. Is it a violent baby that attacks me and pulls my hair, or is it a sweet baby that just wants to hug and kiss me? I am happy to report that Gracie was the latter type and as you can see from the photos of the evening I was at first a little apprehensive upon meeting Gracie, then I gave her a bit of her own medicine with my kisses and then we were fast and furious friends.
I got to meet Gracie's parents Kelly and Rob (Rob has worked on the townhouse) and Christine and Sven. I like a crowd and they seemed to like me. In the cocktail hour I tried hard to "innocently" take a few laps of Uncle Michael's scotch but he always managed to pull the drink away from me at the last second (or so he thinks). Everyone discussed their holidays and then Uncle Saad came in to tell us that dinner was served. I was waiting for scraps to "fall" from the table like they do at the Rivera's as the food smelled so yummy but mom wasn't having any of it. I wasn't the only one under the table as Gracie joined me for the party under the table while all the adults talked. No one seemed to mind which in my opinion is the true mark of a great dinner party.
For dessert my mom let me join her on her lap and I just relaxed and took a little nap as they finished their meal. Gracie got to eat some cookies with her whip cream and everyone at the table was very relaxed as Uncle Saad once again made one of his delicious meals. I hope he is preparing for his B&B at Mt. Hillary!!! Speaking of which mom and I were invited to come to Mt. Hillary soon and we would love to go to see Q-Ball and visit her gravesite. I miss her!!
After dinner the guests left and I got some quality time with Uncle Saad and Uncle Michael. I wish all people were cool enough to let mom bring me along to their dinner parties as I am always a good guest (and I brought champagne!).
So as usual the host, the guests, the food, the music were two paws up and I was a lucky dog to be a part of it! Chow for now!
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