Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Don't tell the Mormons...

Last year I read a story about two gay male penguins in a zoo in China who were separated by the zoo keepers from the rest of the colony because they were putting stones at the feet of straight penguins couples and taking their eggs in hopes of raising little penguins of their own. The gay penguins were given their own version of "Prop 8" by the zookeepers and this created an outcry by animal rights's groups who decried the gay penguins being isolated for following their natural instincts and wanting to be fathers. It seems being gay doesn't mean you don't want to be a father in the animal world as well as in the human world.

Not only were the gay penguins allowed to come back into the colony, they were given two eggs from an inexperienced mother who turned out to be a poor parent along with her partner. The zookeeper noted that not only did they do a good job taking care of the eggs, they actually turned out to be the best caretakers in the whole colony.

Well, the zoo decided to celebrate the gay penguin couple by giving them a big gay penguin wedding. In the photo you will see they gave the "bottom" a traditional red blouse to wear and the "top" a bow tie. The wedding feast consisted of a big plate of fish. Congratulations!! This is a big moment for gay animals marriage rights everywhere as society finally acknowledges that not only are some animals gay, but they can stay in committed partnerships and raise offspring just as well as any straight animal couple. It is a brand new day! Can this be 'Obama Fever' spillage? I PP think I will stay single just like my mom, but if I were to decide to wed (to either male dog, bitch or Prada shoe) I would hope my mom would use all those hours of watching wedding shows to throw me a great doggie wedding. Umm, maybe if she plans my wedding she will get it out of her system and we can start watching more Animal Planet instead of WE Wedding Channel.

In other news, when I did some Googling today, Jackson Pollock's painting was in place of the Google logo. I did some research and today is Jackson Pollock's birthday. Jackson Pollock is one of my mom's favorite artists so we decided to give him a shout out today on the PPP, Happy Birthday JP! You brought the world action painting and millions of museum goers every where saying, "I can do that!" Here we have an image of his "Lavender Mist".

Well, the weather is crappy outside today and I am stuck in which is boring but at least it makes my day interesting working on the PPP. Chow for now!

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