It's that time of the week where we highlight our pick for "Pet Finder of the Week" and this week it's a sweet male Pug. Now we at the PPP look through many profiles on the Petfinder.com website but we like to highlight the pets that need a little extra special help from the universe on getting them adopted.
Sweet Buddy is a male adult pug who had some health problems in the past but is much better now with daily medication. His current foster mother wrote his bio and did such a great job describing this incredible being that we decided Sweet Buddy is out Pet Finder of the Week. His bio goes:
Buddy cannot understand why no one will give him a chance-he wants a new home of his own so very badly. His last owners were unloving and neglectful people-he wants someone to take care of him and love him forever. If that might be you please apply to adopt this WONDERFUL little guy today!------------------------------------------ March 14, 2008 Update:~~~~~~~~ - His belly swelling is way down, still bloated a bit, you can see in the photos, but much much better. - He does needs his daily medication, from what his foster mom Cathy describes it's similar to a Maalox type med to coat his stomach. Plus his eye drops. His monthly meds cost about $100.00 a month. -He's been on better food and with special attention to his diet, the routine fluid draining is NO LONGER NECESSARY!!!!!!! - He's doing great, happy and shiny! - He has a great spirit and loves to be by people, a true lap dog who needs a little extra tlc. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here is a short video of the very handsome Buddy:--------- http://www.gigglepug.com/links/ --------------------- The following is from Buddy's foster mother:------------- If Buddy were a human, I would marry him. He is a real loving, sweet and gentle natured little man. He loves human companionship and follows me around everywhere. He loves to be held and petted and he enjoys giving kisses in return. He loves warm baths and is great in the tub. He is also great in the car. He is excellent with other dogs, cats and children. He does not have any food, toy or treat aggressions. He is very smart and listens to me. When I ask him to go to his bed and take a nap, he goes to his bed without hesitation. What a hoot! (He listens to me better than my ex-husband!). He also loves to play with plush squeaker toys and hang outside in the sunshine with my two female pugs. --- This sweet, gentle little man needs a special person or family where someone is home for a good part of the day because Buddy is a special needs pug. He would make an excellent companion for an “empty nester” or retiree. You see, this “marrying man” has a congenital condition called “protein losing entropy.” It is a disease of the stomach which causes Buddy to receive very little nutrition from food. The disease also causes Buddy’s tummy to fill up with fluids as he cannot process and distribute the digested food into his system in a normal way. As a result, he looks like he is overweight, but he is not. The excess fluids causes Buddy’s tummy to expand. The fluids need to be drained at least once a week by a vet. Without the draining, Buddy becomes very uncomfortable and even simple things like lying down to sleep and getting in and out of the house are difficult. After the fluids are drained, he is a puppy again. When the fluids are drained by a vet, it is painless to Buddy. The fluids can be drained as often as needed without harming him. The condition is not contagious and it cannot be cured. The condition can be managed with medication and diet. If the disease was caught early on and treated, it would only be a minor inconvenience to Buddy. Because it was not, the disease has become a way of life for him. However, this does not dampen his spirits and he has an incredible will to live. Every day is special to Buddy in the same way he is special to everyone he meets. Everyone at my vet’s office just loves him. --- To keep Buddy in the best possible health, he is on special dog food that is available from a vet. He cannot eat regular dog food from a pet store or supermarket. He also takes three medications twice a day to control the inflammation in his stomach that is caused by the disease. The medications are not expensive. One of the medications comes in a powder form and needs to be “compounded” by a regular pharmacy into capsules. Buddy will not eat his food if this one medication is mixed into it. This particular medication is very bitter. Buddy will take the medication if it is in a capsule. --- Buddy came to rescue because of a divorce in his family. They could not take him with them, so Buddy’s heart has already been broken. We are looking for that special family/person to help him heal his heart as well as his body.--- Please consider adopting this wonderful little man. Please be that ”special someone” to provide Buddy with his forever home. ---------E-mail KLKL@ix.netcom.com if you are interested in adopting our sweet Buddy!---------------------------------------------------- If you cannot adopt Buddy but would like to be a sponsor for him, Buddy would be very appreciative. Any donation, small or large will enable us to continue helping Buddy. Donations can be sent to: ADOPT-A-BUDDY PUG RESCUE, PO BOX 66, HO-HO-KUS, NJ 07423.
This pet is up to date with routine shots.
This pet is already house trained.
This pet has been altered.
Sweet Buddy is one of the love lessons we are put on this earth to learn about. To love and take care of a being who will love us back so unconditionally is why we are here so if you are interested in adopting Sweet Buddy or know someone who is please, please get in touch with his foster mother and give Sweet Buddy the life he deserves while on this earth. Yes he will need some care but it is minimal. Please past this post to all your friends so we can see if we can get Sweet Buddy a home.
From one pup who is much loved and has a home as long as his owner is alive, Chow for now!
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