It's that time of the week. Forget T.G.I.F., it's Gossip Friday! Let's get started.
If I would like to do a shout out for "Hotel for Dogs" as this movie is opening today and even though I cannot see it in the theaters because even in NYC they do not encourage dogs to go to movies. Anyway, a certain amount of proceeds will go to animal shelters so I encourage you to go see this movie. A bunch of cute dogs will cheer you up! Better than whiskey and drugs!
Whoa boy! Boy George just got sentence to 15 months in prison for keeping a "male visitor" held captive in his home. I don't understand the judges in London. Boy George gets 15 months in prison for playing rough but Pete Doughtery and Amy Wino do drugs openly and get to cavort around town and the Caribbean? Strange town, Londontown. Anyway I have a picture here of Boy George and I think no one will be bothering him in prison as he has become unrecognizable and bit on the fuggly side.
Strange Human Celebrity Baby Name Update: I think I can do this every week. Well, here is the updated list:
- Ben and Jen Affleck named their second daughter and I was a little surprised as I thought it would be a flower name. Well, they did give their daughter a flower middle name, however her full name is Seraphim Rose Elizabeth Affleck. It's not a crazy name but it isn't normal either.
- English Adventurer Bear Grylls just named his newborn son Huckleberry Edward Jocelyne Grylls. Not only does he get the name Huckleberry he also gets a girly sounding Jocelyne. Bear also has two other sons; Marmaduke and Jesse however Bear thinks when they are older and he yells. "Huck, Duke and Jesse!" it will sound more manly.
-Charlotte Church just had her second child and his name is "Dexter", not bad but quite nerdy. I guess if he is called "Dex" he will avoid getting beat up on a daily basis in the school yard. It's kind of how my mother calls me "PP" at the dog run so the other dogs don't use me like a chew toy.
One other bit of news that relates to a child's name. Remember the child that was named after "Adolf Hitler"? Well, he was taken away by Child Services. Actually all their children were taken away. I don't know if it was the weird names that made them lose their children but you know how strongly the PPP felt about this. Those parents were obviously not in their right mind. Hopefully the children will be given more proper names and have a chance at a normal life.
And now we are going to get away from gossip and go to news. Yesterday as many of you know a plane went down in the Hudson River. However the pilot and co-pilot were able to make as safe landing as you could under the circumstances and all crew and passengers survived and without major injuries. So I am going to salute not only Capt. Chesley Burnett Sullenberger III, his co-pilot, crew and all the city workers who came but also NY Waterways as these water taxis were the first to arrive and start rescuing passengers. And here I thought they were just an expensive water ferry! They have proven themselves invaluable to New York and even though I am not allowed on the water taxis I salute them.
Well, although all days feel like a Friday to me, I am off to relax and take as long of walk as I can bark my mother into giving me on this very cold winter day! Chow for now!
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