TGIGF! Yes, thank God it's Gossip Friday! I know from my mom that when Friday rolls around most people just really call it in to work and we here at the PPP are no different. That's is why on Gossip Friday we just do a little hunting and gathering of celebrity gossip as the readers of the PPP are into the high and low. Yup! My readers care about both Zimbabwe's cholera epidemic and Paris Hilton. For today's easy, breezy news we have:
- This is more in the realm of politics but it is still interesting enough to make today's gossip news. It seems Iceland is making lots of news in the world the last few months. First the country went bankrupt, then the government fell apart and now they are going to have the world's first openly gay PM. Iceland is expected to name 66-year-old Johanna Sigurdardottir as their new fearless leader. Johanna Sigurdardottir is a former flight attendant who worked her way up the political ladder. See, American is not the only country in the world where you can come from nothing and get to the top (although the top here is a poor country surrounded by ice). Somewhere Sarah Palin is taking note.
- While in London promoting her project du jour, Paris Hilton tried to convince everyone that she is not as dumb as everyone thinks she is. She said, "For five seasons I was stuck doing this character. It was kind of hard always having to play that character when it's not who I am. I just say jokes but they think I'm serious, which I think is funny...and I think I kind of play up the image sometimes because – whatever – it's just entertainment." When she was asked who the Prime Minister of England was, she answered, "I had lunch at his restaurant yesterday – Gordon Ramsay." Hey I know what you are thinking, it's the same thing I am thinking, "Wow, at least she got the Gordon part right!" BTW, correct answer is Gordon Brown, I as a responsible dog journalist must know these facts. Also I don't live under a rock.
- Billy the Elephant, the only elephant left at LA Zoo was involved in a celebrity tug of war. There are plans to built a $42 million dollar elephant exhibit at the zoo. However some celebrities (those darn celebrities) thought that he would be happier retiring in Northern California in an animal sanctuary. They even offered to fit the bill for Billy. These celebrities included Bob Barker, Lily Tomlin, Cher, Kevin Nealon, Goldie Hawn, Halle Berry and Tippi Hedren who have all been known for fighting for animal rights. On the other end of the tug of war were Betty White and Slash who thought Billy should stay in the LA Zoo so he can housed in the future elephant exhibit. Well the LA City Council voted and Billy the Elephant stays in the picture (I mean zoo). Sorry Billy, so close yet so far. Damn you Betty White! I am going to get PETA on your ass now I don't care that you remind me of my grandma!
- Crocs, the bane of my existence has decided to further make the world an even uglier place to live and has entered the animal kingdom by designing a Crocs dog bed or as they decided to name it the "Sasquatch Pet Bed". Why oh why!! Oh the humanity!! (I like writing that phrase and will find a reason to insert it into just about every post from now). Now this is definitely PETA territory as this is animal cruelty?
- My last news is a parody of a video post Ashton Kutcher did yesterday complaining about his neighbor's early morning construction noise. Hey Ashton, welcome to my life for the last 8 years! This parody is LOL as it makes fun of the diva-like Ashton and his poor life as he has to deal with noise while the rest of the world has to deal with financial meltdowns, war, cholera, etc. It's a good laugh as puppets with a cockney accent are always a fun way to start your weekend.
Have a great weekend and chow for now!
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