Hey there! Well, the title of my post pretty much says it all. I've got me a major case of the winter blahs today. It's cold and gray outside. Snow and sleet are just starting to fall so I can't get a nice, long walk in the park like I did yesterday so to add to the blahs I will develop an acute case of small apartment fever.
Whereas a few weeks ago we had no heat in our apartment, for the last twenty-four hours we have had too much heat. It comes from the pipes so it looks like a sauna here. Even with the windows open we have had to strip to our bare undies (I am actually going naked, even the undies are too much). Mom has been trying to make sure I am dehydrated as I can't seem to stop panting. We had a sleepless night last night as we both just tossed and turned all night. I even became delirious and starting barking for no reason in the middle of the night. My mommy was not happy with that as she had taken some Valerian Root to help her get to sleep and apparently my barking made it wear off and leave her with a headache. She was acting a little weird last night and Googling, "How to become a nun" and "Can a nun have a pet?" Apparently a nun takes not only a vow of chastity but a vow of poverty so she is not given money to support a pet (interesting enough a priest does not have to take a vow of poverty). She also found out that while studying to become a nun (a novice), novices must pay for their own health insurance and bring a dowry to the church. So it is actually expensive to become a nun! After she read this she cursed the Catholic church out (incidentally we have been going to the Episcopal church now for over fifteen years) and we both agreed that they are a greedy institution and no wonder women don't want to become nuns anymore. Even if they did want to become a nun chances are they couldn't afford it. Mom had the Midol bottle also on the nightstand so maybe this explains her behavior and weird Googlings lately? I hope so!! Anyway, looks like I won't have to be a convent pet. I am sure they would have used me in Christmas paegeants as the "holy lamb of god" as with this short haircut I do bear a striking resemblance to little lambs.
So I would recommend no one come visit us today as we live in a Swedish Sauna and are a little bit grouchy from lack of sleep and exercise. If it wasn't for this post I wouldn't know what to do with myself today. I think mommy is going to go to yoga later in the afternoon (at least SHE will get out of the house). We decided to have a nice quiet day without television and not much time on the Internet so we can get the buzzing noises out of our heads. We might as well be in a hot mud hut in Indian doing a silent meditation.
Tomorrow my Uncle Adrian is coming over (Yeah!!) as he and my mom will go to brunch and then the Cooper Hewitt Museum of Design as the museum is providing free admissions every Sunday in January. This museum has an expensive admissions fee so they are jazzed to get in free (as you can see I am trying to bring back "jazzed"). So if you are looking for something to do on a Sunday in New York, I recommend the Cooper Hewitt Museum of Design. Here is the link for current exhibitions:
See, even on a blah day The Powder Puffington Post can be useful.
I promise you I will be much more chipper tomorrow and actually have a topic to write about besides my blah feelings. I can't help but be a dog of depth. So I hope you are having a happier Saturday than we are. As you can see from my pictures, I am in quite a lackadaisical mood right now. Who knows, we might end it in a more chipper mood? Maybe I can talk her into some wanker tv? I think that will help us. Chow for now!
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