Hi y'all! I'm back. I took a little break from the PPP because mom and me have been busy with friends, going out and living life offline. You have to do a little offline living if you want to write a blog so you get some material to actually write about. I am a little dog and I am supposed to be outside living life, meeting people and chasing city squirrels.
Well, yesterday we were in Central Park due to winter giving us a little thaw in the weather. All the snow was melting so my feet were getting a little wet and dirty. Then from the corner of my eye I saw a squirrel and I ran off. My mother was not doing a great job holding my leash so I was able to break free from her to chase the squirrel. It was so great living in the moment, chasing the squirrel, doing what I was meant to do in this life. However the squirrel ran up a tree and mom eventually caught up with me and to her horror saw that I was covered from head to tail in mud. My brain started to come back to me and I didn't like being covered in mud. I stood still and refused to move. After awhile my mom realized she was going to have to carry me home and she wasn't happy about it. Everyone however thought I was too cute and I had lots of laughter thrown my way while mom carried me home. I know they were laughing with me not at me.
When we got home I was unceremoniously dumbed in the tub and scrubbed from head to toe. Then I got a nice blow-dry and was spanking white and fluffy again. Mom wasn't too happy as she had volunteered to make a dinner for the men who bought the apartment we live in. She already had been out till 4 in the morning with them at her friend Jeff's house where they all danced all night. She was a little grouchy from lack of sleep and she had promised to make a Spanish dinner so that needed some research and shopping and cleaning a dirty dog was not on her agenda.
So when mom did finally get to cook the dinner last night, she changed the menu couldn't find some of the ingredients. She should have stayed with her old favorites, or do Italian or tacos but no, she had to make Arroz con Pollo (chicken and rice) and codfish cakes.
Our guests came over. Jon, Tor and Stefan. They bought the property as an investment when the dollar was weaker as they did not want to invest in the stock market. They are Swedish and are really great guys. They told my mom and me we can stay as long as we want (or at least 10 months). They fixed some of the things that were going wrong in the apartment so we are grateful for that. They brought lots of alcohol which was good because mom burnt the main dish and we had to order from Blockheads to feed our guests (guess who gets the smoked chicken!!). Mom was very embarrassed but they were so nice about it. They stayed till 4 in the morning, those Swedes can sure party. They played with me and I even took a nap with Stefan when he fell asleep on the couch. Here is a photo of me with Stephan and Tor. Skoal to our new Swedish friends!
So mom and I are relieved that we can stay in the apartment however now we have to figure out how to afford it. Wish us luck!! We have some irons in the fire so let's hope the universe is kind to Malteses named Powder Puff.
We have a lot to do this coming week and mom is going to try to make sure I am out with her as much as possible as she knows I have been suffering from small apartment fever and need as much offline living as she does. Mom's life can be feast or famine sometimes so let's hope the feast part is coming up so I can partake of it too.
I guess my sermon for this week is go out and live life. Be happy to meet people, dogs, Swedes, etc. Don't hibernate this winter. We are not bears. We are social beings and need to be with each other and experience life outside our iphones, blackberry's, computers and all other modern technology. After reading this please go out and meet your friends, flirt with a potential lover, have a meal with your family, chase a squirrel, take a risk, take a chance. What have you got to lose?
Chow for now!
"I know they were laughing with me not at me."
Err, hate to break this to you buddy, but...
Love you P Daddy!
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