For almost two years my mommy has been part of Facebook, an internet networking club that let's you invite or accept invitations from friends and/or potential friends. Once in their have privy to the personal information you have uploaded in your account and to your status quo.
At first my mom joined so she can see the children of friends of her that moved away. She really didn't do much with the site and didn't investigate how to utilize it to her advantage. Slowly but surely she started accepting invites from friends that she knew and some she really didn't know.
She then started to play into Facebook, load her info, pictures, join groups, become a fan of this or that and then start making groups of her own. Our first group was a group "Remembering Princess Q-Ball" and it made both me and mom feel good to hear our friends give us their condolences and join Q-Ball's group. We started to see why you would want to join Facebook.
My mom likes to travel and being born and raised in New York City she has friends from all over the world. So to check into her Facebook and see what her friends were up to in Tokyo, Berlin, London, West Coast, East Coast, Uptown, Downtown was comforting. Although she also thinks the site can be quite silly (she HATES getting poked by her friend) it has become a site she regularly checks into too.
Lately though my mom has started to utilize the site to find friends she has lost contact with. And to her delight they too have been locating her through the site so in the last few months she has found some long lost friends.
One of them came over to our place yesterday to visit her. It was her old college friend Dan Freeman. Mom and Dan were partners in crime when she went to school update in the North Pole and they had lots to catch up on and reminiscence about.
I was actually a little shocked hearing the shenanigans that she and my new Uncle Dan were involved in when they went to school. My favorite was the night that they were all a little tipsy and everyone in their group including the infamous "Uncle Carl Alexander" whom I have yet to meet decided to start off their sentences by saying, "I do declare". Mom and Dan cracked up while recounting this story (yeah I know, I guess you had to be there with five White Russians in you).
Anyway I am happy my mom is meeting up with her old friends again as I am a pack animal who enjoys being around lots of people. And although Facebook can have it's evil moments (we own your information FOREVER!!) it does have it's positive side and that is locating long, lost friends without having to hire a detective.
However sometimes there are some people you don't want to find you again so that has been awkward and to that we say when we get their invite to join their network, "I do not accept".
I hope you enjoy the picture of me and Uncle Dan. If you notice my hair has grown in nicely from my California grooming fiasco.
Chow for now!
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