Welcome my flock! LOL! Okay welcome my followers of the PPP to our weekly Sunday Sermon. Today's sermon is about charity. Charity is defined as "benevolent goodwill toward or love of humanity". However since I am not a human I am also going to include the love of animals and the environment.
Now that we have a new president we can once again be proud of, there is a lot of good energy out there and what better way to keep the good energy flowing than to be more charitable. Now I don't only mean donating to a charity (although that is a great way to start and support your causes) but to actually donate your time and volunteer.
I say start volunteering with an organization that en capsulizes what you are passionate about whether it's the environment, animal rights, the arts, children, music, stamps, WHATEVER! Just join an organization (or create one if you feel there needs to be more representation) and get in there interacting with your community and making this world a better place to live.
We at the PPP are not only talking the talk but walking the walk. We are a member of Greenpeace, Amnesty International and The Human Society of the United States. It was part of our New Year's resolution to become more part of the solution to making this world a better place to live. We are trying to become a voice for those who have no voice.
In this world of Internet and online living it can be very easy to detach and just become these islands that don't let anyone on or only interact via technology (like the way I communicate to you via the PPP). It's time for some offline living and to actually grow heart connections the old fashion way, with one on one interaction. That includes helping others. I know I don't have to preach that it is far better to give than to receive, we all know that. However we find excuses to not find the time and miss out on making the world a better place to live. Especially in these hard times it is very easy to make excuses but actually these are the best times to make a difference. It's almost a bit selfish as to make yourself feel better, you can do this by making someone or something else better. I guess that is what they mean by "charity begins at home".
To see what charity or organization you would like to volunteer for please visit: http://www.volunteermatch.org/ as they will match your passions with an organization that needs your help and time.
Enough preaching, it's Superbowl Sunday (not that the PPP even knows who is playing) and it's time for us at the PPP to actually debut one of the Superbowl commercials tonight created by Pedigree for the adoption of dogs. It's hilarious!
Enjoy and Chow for now!
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