Today on the PPP we have some animals news from animals all around the world.
We will start with Stump, a Sussex spaniel who nearly died in 2004, won Best in Show at the 133rd Annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show in New York City on Tuesday night – the oldest dog ever to receive the title.
The crowd cheered when judge Sari Brewster Tietjen pointed to the 10-year-old dog, who beat out a Scottish deerhound, a Scottish terrier, a standard poodle, a puli, a Brussels griffon and a giant Schnauzer.
According to Westminster Kennel Club spokesman David Frei, a team of vets at Texas A&M University saved Stump five years ago. "His whole body completely quit, they did [some] miracle, because here he is now, looking great and just won Westminster," said Stump's co-owner, Scott Sommer. Stumps owner says Stumps is a real people person who loves crowds and is quite a ham. Congratulations Stumps! I myself am starting to get a little long in the tooth but can still do all the amazing cute things I did when I was a puppy so Stumps proves older dogs can still be champions.
Speaking of hams, I have some sad news from the west coast of Coast Rica. Lola the pig who is the main mascot of Lola's Beach has been suffering from an illness and the once big, robust, healthy pig has had her health slowly deteriorating. Lola has had a great life, living on the beach in Costa Rica, being fed scraps from the restaurant on the beach, having her picture taken by the dozens of tourists that stop by everyday, not being served as the platter du jour. Yes, Lola has had a great life. When she goes to that big pig pen in the sky she will be sorely missed. To Lola! The original ham.
Our last bit of news in the PPP today is a little bit sad and a little bit happy. As many of you know, the state of Victoria, Australia has been hit by wildfires that have burned thousands of acres, killed over a hundred people and has blackened forests where many of the wildlife has been displaced or killed.
On his way to put out a fire, firefighter David Tree and his team saw in the middle of a backburning at Mirboo North a stricken koala.
"I could see she had sore feet and was in trouble, so I pulled over the fire truck. She just plonked herself down, as if to say 'I'm beat'," he said.
"I offered her a drink and she drank three bottles.
"The most amazing part was when she grabbed my hand. I will never forget that."
Mr Tree and his brigade then received an emergency call-out to save a house, but minutes later Sam was picked up by wildlife carers.
Carer Jenny Shaw said she suffered burns on her paws and was in a lot of pain, but was on the road to recovery.
She was put on an IV drip and is on antibiotics and pain relief treatment.
"She is lovely - very docile - and she has already got an admirer. A male koala keeps putting his arms around her," Ms Shaw said. "She will need regular attention and it will be a long road to recovery, but she should be able to be released back into the wild in about five months."
Sam is one of 22 koalas, 14 ringtail possums, several wallabies and eastern grey kangaroos that have been handed into Gippsland carers.
If you like to donate to the "Wildlife Victoria" fund and help the animals that are being displaced here is the link:
Seeing that picture of the Koala holding the fireman's hand as he gives her some water has melted my little puppy heart (and I'm a New York City dog). I am so happy Sam will be fine and eventually be brought back to the wilderness. With that happy ending I end today's post by with a "Chow for now".
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