Today's PPP is not going to be about animals, celebrities or politics. I decided to just ramble a bit about my life and catch you up on what has been happening to mom and me.
Well, the weather has been keeping me inside lately, especially today because it is so cold out my mom keeps my walks to a minimum. I swear I am starting to turn into a cat. Speaking of cats, you have to check this little video out. I think I played it over 100 times and I LOL each time:
Today we have the people who bought the apartment coming over to inspect it so my mommy has been going around throwing bleach on everything (something she learned from my Uncle Adrian) as they will definitely look in our fridge, our cabinets, etc. It's a little snoopy! Well at least she finally got the mold off the walls as I was starting to think my fatigue and headaches was coming from the mold spores. Tomorrow we have to go to the lawyer's office for the closing and they want us to sign two legal documents; one to give up our rights to the apartment, the other is a mini lease. However my mom tells me that we really can't afford to stay here any more. So we are not going to sign any papers until we read them and we are going to have to try and figure out something with the new owners. My mom is a little worried because if we say we are moving, then where do we move to? We are hoping the universe will lead us to the right place. I just hope there is a nice park where ever we settle down to. Mom is just hoping we don't end up in Astoria, she has something against Astoria. I personally like Astoria as the food is great and they have a nice beer garden.
Lately my mom has been having a very social calendar. It's either feast or famine with her. So let's just say you can ask me about any bad reality show and I can tell you about it as mom leaves the tv on for me when she leaves for the evening. Mom has been dipping her toe back into the dating world and she just doesn't know what to think. It's either really young men or older men with teenage children going after her. Many of them seem to think "text dating" is appropriate which is making my mom lose interests fast. She says that it's okay to text someone to tell them you are running late, or to say "hope u r having a nice day!" but not to run the whole relationship through. Some men wonder why my mommy really isn't them and this is pretty much the reason. I think my mommy deserves to be with someone who is man enough to call her, not hide behind technology. Once they get to the apartment then they have to pass MY test as mom only dates men who treat me like a Prince and are man enough to give me a walk (and enjoy it)! I told my mom, "It's okay, I will always be there for you and be the main man in your life." I am steady, loyal, love her unconditionally, I'm warm to snuggle with, I'm always excited to see her, I don't do drugs, I have a job writing a blog and most important I don't talk back or boss her around (believe me I tried).
Tomorrow mom is going with a bunch of girlfriends to see "He's Just Not That Into You" and I have a feeling she will be over men after this film. It will be another Valentines Day with just me as her Valentine.
We are working on getting the spring line up on the site by Valentines Day. We will be busy marketing ourselves at Fashion Week. My mom likes to take me along for these events which I usually love but I am hoping the weather will be a bit warmer.
So that's it in a nutshell. Everything is a little bit up in the air but mom says it should be okay and no to worry. Malteses were not created to be homeless on the street so I am trusting her! Chow for now!
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