It's what has turned out to be one of my favorite posts. It's Petfinder Pet of the Week and today's spotlight is Nip, a male adult Havanese.
While I was in Central Park yesterday with my mom taking advantage of the particularly mild weather we met just about every dog in the city. However this dog walker passed us with two young Havanese puppies. My mom went crazy playing with them and although they were dare I say begrudgingly cute, I did not like the attention my mom was paying them. She seemed a little besotted. So then I decided to attack the bigger one. I went under my mom's legs and the other dog circled her so with all our leashes tangled we brought my mom down to the ground. Hard. She was a little peeved with me and I got a tongue lashing.
So today I pick a Havanese as a way to apologize to my mom for making her fall. Nip's bio is as follows:
NO, HE DOES NOT BITE (Many people wonder because of his name if he bites.)
Prior to adding a new dog to your family, please visit www.justdogbreeds.com to learn about the various personalities and characteristics which will assist in matching the right dog to your lifestyle.
Nip is somewhat reserved--what you might call a shy guy. He enjoys the company of other dogs, therefore needs another dog in his new home to help him overcome his timidity. He should be in a home without small children.
He was born sometime in late 2001 and is approximately 12 to 13 pounds. He and his siblings were originally dumped in a trash can outside a city dog pound when they were about 5 weeks old. That is horrendous!!!
Nip missed out on the social skills his mother would have taught him because he was separated from her too young in his life. As a result, he is much more comfortable with other dogs than with new people. He will require more patience and understanding when adding him to your family.
It is important to realize that there is ALWAYS a period of adjustment when adding a rescue dog to a family. that will take time and patience and understanding. Some require more time and patience than others and there may very well be an issue or two to work through in order to earn their trust and overcome their fears and lack of socialization.
He needs someone willing to look past his fear and apprehension and to help him come out of his shell. He is painfully shy.
His ideal home would be a female only home, or if there is a male in the home, he must be gentle and patient with him and be willing to work through his issues.
Please remember, THERE ARE NO PERFECT DOGS, no matter what the background. Dogs generally become what you make of them through your efforts, love, patience, and understanding. And--if you are willing to overlook their slight imperfections, they will certainly overlook yours!
He was in a home for about 10 months where he decided he does not care for small children. He will need a quiet, adult-only home with a family who will help him regain his confidence and work on socialization. He is also apprehensive about some men, but could work on that issue if someone were willing and patient enough. He obviously learned the dislike/fear of men as a result of the man in his short-term home. When they returned him, he made a wide circle around the man and gave him a look that showed his feelings of dislike for him. It was a look that obviously said 'I hate you!'
Please contact k9resq@sbcglobal.net for more information about this pet.
This pet is up to date with routine shots.
This pet has been altered.
Hutchinson, KS
That Nip is quite a looker, almost as handsome as me. I hope you know someone who would give Nip a happy, healthy home if not yourself. Chow for now!
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