Over a decade of violence. Hundreds of thousands of women attacked. Millions displaced. Too many lives lost. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. It is time to end the silence. Challenge yourself to raise awareness. Challenge yourself to raise your voice. Challenge yourself to raise the profile of the deadliest war in the world. And then Challenge others to join the movement.
Change is possible…if we act.
MARCH – MAY, 2009

Take the three-month Congo Challenge this spring by raising awareness about the conflict in Congo, raising your voice for change, and raising the public profile of the crisis. Sign up now!
Each month, you’ll get a menu of actions that you can take to make an impact. Whether you only have 5 minutes or 5 hours, there’s an option for you. In March, we’ll ask you to help us RAISE Awareness and recruit new activists to the movement. In April, we’ll ask you to RAISE Your Voice, and help us hold the electronics industry and our leaders accountable. In May, we’ll ask you to RAISE the Profile of the conflict in Congo by shining a light on our direct link to this ongoing crisis.
Let us know what you’re doing to take action and make an impact. Share your thoughts, photos and video in the Congo Challenge Forum and inspire others to get off the sidelines and challenge themselves!
So go to this website to sign up and take the Congo challenge:
So go check out the website and join the Congo challenge and spread the word!
Chow for now!
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