Sorry we are posting so late today. My mommy was incapacitated today due to the flu and since she is my secretary and I count on her to post for me I had to wait until she felt good enough to get out of bed.
It's one of our favorite post for the PPP, it's the Pet Finder of the Week spotlight and today we are going to spotlight Oreo. A one year old female Papillon.
Usually I post on a rescue dog that needs a lot of help to get adopted but today I decided to experiment and see if posting a dog that requires very little special attention would help too.
I decided to pick the Papillon breed because they are supposedly very desirable, smart and easy to live with. One my blog a few weeks back Papillons were listed as one of the ten top smartest breeds of dogs (yes, I am as dumbfounded as you that they and not Maltese made the list). So today we are spotlighting Oreo. Her bio reads as follows:
Oreo's a great dog--lovable, happy, fun-loving--about a year old. She's pretty frisky, and needs a play partner. If you don't already have one, consider her best friend, a Chihuahua puppy named Peanut. For more information, please email Lisa at lisanicony@aol.com.
This pet is up to date with routine shots.
This pet is already house trained.
* City Critters Inc.
* New York, NY
* (212) 252-3183
So if you know of anyone that would love to adopt Oreo please contact Lisa at the above info. She is quite cute if I say so myself.
Chow for now!
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