Our first story involves the sighting of the rare, ever elusive albino dolphin which instead of being white is actually pink. It is a Hello Kitty world out there! Pinky the pink dolphin was first discovered by a charter boat on Lake Calcasieu in Louisiana in 2007. Lately Pinky has been showing up again swimming with her pod. Hopefully no one tries to catch Pinky and use her in a Water World show or Paris Hilton tries to adopt her.

Our second story involves some nut job 20-year-old Acea Schomaker of Omaha, Nebraska who was arrested for misdemeanor animal cruelty after he shoved his kitty in a homemade box bong and then blew weed smoke in there to "calm her down."
The cops showed up to Acea's house, which he shares with his father, after responding to a domestic disturbance call. The cops cleared that altercation, but returned after finding out there was an arrest warrant out on Acea for possession of drug paraphernalia. When they strolled back into the house, they found him hot boxing his kitty. Acea said that Shadow, his 6-month old kitty, was hyper and needed to be calmed down.
Cops say Shadow was completely dazed and didn't move at all when they drove her to the humane society. They said she was scared, but in good condition and had a craving for Doritos and Taco Bell.
What an idiot!! I hope they throw the book at him. Pictured is the contraption he created to smoke his kitty out.

Our last story today is about a cat named "Ugly Bat Boy". Now Ugly is definitely not the cutest, sweetest, cuddly cat you ever saw but I take great offense to his name as I hope it doesn't affect this self-esteem.
He's bald in most places except for flowing fur on his chest, and he spends his days on a warm computer at Exeter Veterinary Hospital. Bat Boy has become something of a local star.
Ugly Bat Boy gets a lot of stares at the Exeter Veterinary Hospital.
"People come in and take pictures of him on their cell phones," said veterinary employee Christie Hartnett. "He's just great. He's Dr. (Stephen) Bassett's little wonder cat."
The cat's striking appearance is normal, for him. He was part of a litter of four with a sister that looked just like him. That kitten died at only a few weeks old, but that was long enough for Bassett to become enamored with Bat Boy. Despite appearances, Bat Boy has a nice disposition and real inner beauty.
Bat Boy has become somewhat of a media sensation in his town of Exeter, N.H. with people starting to stop by the vet's office to see "the world's ugliest cat".
He has the run of the place and all the attention he can handle.
"He likes it here," Bassett said. "He's comfortable. He likes the people petting him. So, he enjoys it."
I am happy that although he looks a little scary, Ugly Bat Boy is having a great life and is being treated like the Prince of Exeter.
Well, I am going to take another nap now as my mom thinks it's too cold to go out today. When is Spring going to get here? Chow for now!
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