Oh to be a modern woman living in New York City. My mommy is one of those women and she has to deal with two types of dogs in her life. One type; the cute, cuddly, small, loving dog type and the other, the aggressive, suave, randy New York male.
I don't know why they call randy men "dogs". They are nothing like us. We are loyal, loving and faithful. The human kind on the other hand can embody every woman's nightmare and quite unlike me really in the end don't even like or respect women even though women are the target of their quest.
My mommy has told me dozens of dating stories about these "dogs". I think because we live in New York City we are exposed to more than the national average of dog men. I do try my best when I meet with the men around her to sniff out the good ones from the bad ones. Luckily I can say that most men my mom let's me meet are good guys who like to play with me and are kind to my mother. However...
Sometimes one "dog" can snake into our lives (hey why don't we just call these men as we see them, "snakes"). Hey these men aren't the Antichrist. They aren't murderers, robbers, AIG executives. They are just looking to take their twisted views of the female race out on any willing woman.
My mom met someone like this recently. She went out with him to tell him she really would rather be friends with him (because my mommy can be a wuss like that, just too polite for her own good). Well, during dinner she tells me that she started to not feel well (she has been under the weather recently) so she didn't have the stamina to let him know she wasn't interested because he wouldn't shut his mouth.
The more time my mom spent with this man the more she knew she was right in her judgement of him. She thinks deep down he is an okay guy but he keeps saying inappropriate things in front of her (like he is a "freak", what does that mean!!). Anyway besides that, the killer of the evening was when she identified the artist of the paintings hanging on the wall (Donald Bachler) and he proceeded to make fun of the paintings and say he could do them. Little did he know that his observations of the paintings (besides the "freak" comment) were the kiss of death to a torturous evening (however she did love the restaurant "Sistina" and the food which we highly recommend as I got to eat the leftovers).
Walking back home, my mom was besieged with requests for another date and soon. My mom and me don't like when human dogs don't read people's signals and energy (the canine type wouldn't make this mistake as we are all about reading your energy). She said she would go out with again to a movie with him and escaped upstairs. Well since then he keeps texting her and doesn't seem to be reading her less than enthusiastic replies (anyone who knows my mom knows to limit the texting as she hates it for dating purposes). Well, I am pushing her to grow some conjones (as I can't since they were snipped off) and just tell this man that she is not interested and to not waste either of their time and she agreed with me.
I hope my mommy learns to not get involved in these situations in the first place as one of her New Year's resolutions was to stop being so polite to people who don't deserve her kindness. She is getting better but she still has a long way to go.
What I don't like about these men is that they are convinced that they love women but they really don't. They don't have any respect for women and they pursue them with the thought that they are romancing them but in reality they really want to disrespect them so that they prove to themselves that women are not of any value and aren't meant to be respected. That is the main difference between the canine dog and the human dog, we love our masters and respect them with our heart and soul.
So I hope in the future the term "he's a dog!" to describe a man with not honorable intentions towards women is dropped and discarded as we canines who are loyal, loving and faithful deserve better. Chow for now!
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