The PPP has been following the story of all the innocent baby seals being slaughter in Canada. Rebecca Aidsworth, the Director of Canadian Wildlife Issues for The Humane Society of the United States has been in Canada documenting this atrocity and here is her first hand account:
After the sealing vessels left yesterday, we landed on the ice to document the aftermath. We passed one pup who had crawled into a small cave formed by ice. He hid his head as we approached, clearly terrified. I tried to talk softly to him, to let him know that it would be okay. But he just lay there, hiding his head.
This 3-week-old seal pup had just seen hundreds of others beaten to death in front of him. To him, people now mean clubs and violence and pain.
It took less than three days for sealers to slaughter 19,200 seal pups. The ProtectSeals team was there to document as they killed virtually every seal in sight -- just to produce fur coats that no one needs.
Tomorrow, the killing starts again, and the team is readying to fly to the remote area where this next phase will occur.
We need to show the world that the carnage is worse than ever -- and that despite the Canadian government's promises, the hunt is as cruel and merciless as ever.
The ProtectSeals team found only a few pups who survived the slaughter on Wednesday, the third day of this year's harp seal hunt. It’s only the beginning of the carnage—at least 280,000 seals will be butchered by the time the hunt is over. We are committed to keep exposing the cruelty on the ice for as long as it takes to end it forever.
Please, help us make this the last spring that these beautiful creatures face this senseless slaughter.
You can cut and paste this site and donate so that we can all work on making sure this doesn't happen again.
I don't know about you but my mommy and I very sad about this story. We feel so bad for the baby seals left alone with all their dead friends around them. They were living their life one day and the next day man comes and commits these atrocities on them. Even Russia is not doing this anymore! Please donate to this cause or at least write to let the Canadian government know how against you are of this slaughter.
Chow for now!
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