Wow! What a week it has been! We have had a roller coaster week here at the PPP but we are happy to announce it ended on a high note. Also we celebrated the
PPP's 100th post this week so "Onto the news!" The celebrity gossip news!

First, the PPP would like to send our condolences to the family of the late, great actress Natasha Richardson. It is always sad when someone young, full of life and vibrancy are taken from their family and friends. Besides being a talented, accomplished actress Natasha Richardson was a devoted wife, mother, friend and AIDS activist. What has gotten the PPP's attention is how everyone who knew her had nothing but stellar accolades to say about Natasha. She seemed really happy and contented in her life and her career. I can tell this because everyone remarks how down to earth and incredibly nice she was to every one she met and that to me is a sign that you are happy in your life. That is a rare thing to hear in the celebrity world. It makes us at the PPP think about how we would want to be remembered if we to suddenly past away and it inspires us to be better beings, spend more time with the one's we love and follow our passions. Tash, you will be sorely missed!

Other news this week is very sad :( Oprah who just recently adopted two cocker spaniel puppies Ivan and Sadie had a very sad lost when Ivan succumbed to Parvo (a canine disease that puppies can get before they complete their immunizations). Oprah had only had him a weekend before he passed away. Sadie also caught Parvo but she seems to be pulling through after a touch and go few days and is expected to make it. My mommy didn't let Q-Ball and I touch the ground outside until we had all our shots so we couldn't catch this horrible disease as it in the environment. So let's send some good thoughts to Sadie and a prayer to Ivan who is now frolicking in puppy heaven with Martha Stewart's dog Genghis Chan.

On to lighter news... Well Lindsay Lohan is official a joke. She did an interview for
Nylon magazine (I don't know why she keeps scoring interviews as she has no movies to promote) and she has the nerve to complain that she doesn't work because the public is more interested in her personal life than her acting career.
"It's scary when you realize, 'Oh my God, I'm not working. And I have a house to pay for now.'… and there's been some things I've really wanted to do. Like the one movie I've wanted to do for so long is Alice in Wonderland [directed by Tim Burton]. But, um, that didn't work out… it is what it is."
There are some other hardcore druggies who do take her meetings, "One is Sean Penn -- I spoke to him the other day. We're trying to get Seth Rogen for this project, but Seth won't call us back. So call us back, Seth, if you're reading this!"
That's taking responsibility for your actions! She drinks, fights, does drugs, crashes her car all around town and it's not her fault she is not working. It's quite pathetic (yes we here at the PPP have been known to judge).

Onto even more ridiculous news...A family of four with a combined weight of 83 stone say they are "too fat to work" and need more than the £22,000 they currently receive in benefits in the UK.
To quote the
Telegraph, The Chawners, haven't worked in 11 years, claim their weight is a hereditary condition and the money they receive is insufficient to live on.
Mr Chawner said: "What we get barely covers the bills and puts food on the table. It's not our fault we can't work. We deserve more."
The family claim to spend £50 a week on food and consume 3,000 calories each a day. The recommended maximum intake is 2,000 for women and 2,500 for men.
"We have cereal for breakfast, bacon butties for lunch and microwave pies with mashed potato or chips for dinner," Mrs Chawner told Closer magazine.
"All that healthy food, like fruit and veg, is too expensive. We're fat because it's in our genes. Our whole family is overweight," she added.
Now I have heard it all! This family would be chased down the street with pitchforks if they lived in America (um, perhaps a way to lose some weight?) as you know Americans don't care too much for supporting welfare folks in times of economic distressed (just think OctoMom).
My mom says there is no more effective diet than poverty to help you lose weight.

Our last story is not really a story but just a picture of Clive Owen. My mommy has a big crush on him and she is going to see his movie "Duplicity" this weekend even though he stars with that twat, Julia Roberts (she made me say it!). So here is a picture of Clive for all the ladies (and the men because we know you all have a man-crush on Clive too).
Well, that is all for now. I hope you have a great Friday night and a great weekend! Chow for now!