It's a grand day here at the PP, it's my birthday! Today I am six years old in human years and 42 in dog years. Yes, that's right, I am the same age as my mother now.
My mommy had planned a nice day for me. She decided I was to have a B-A-T-H. That wasn't my idea of a good start to a birthday but she seemed determined to get me clean. Then she planned that after running a few errands, we were to walk to 58th Street and 6th Ave to see the Tartan Day Parade. She had imagines of me taking getting my picture taken with men in kilts (possibly to lure them home and use me as bait??).
Anyway after the traumatic B-A-T-H incident, we were off on our way to complete some errands then go to the park to get to the parade. That is when everything went wrong. I had to take a poop (as I usually do when I go out for a walk) and I don't know if it was the excitement of my birthday or the stress from the B-A-T-H but I became constipated. When this happens I kind of freeze and squeeze my buttock muscles over and over again hoping for release. I can't move or walk when this happens. My mom knew she had to take me back home to do "the removal procedure". She was not happy, however it was my birthday so she grimaced, picked me up carefully and brought me back home. After the deed was done, we then went out again did our two errands and were on our way to the park.
On the way we stopped to talk to mom's friend Casey Archer. I waited patiently until they were done then we went on again. As we entered the park it happened again! My constipation came back. I got a little scolding from my mom as she couldn't carry me back at this point so she found a grassy private spot and proceeded to do "the removal procedure" with grass and leaves. Mom thinks if I chewed my food more this would not happen.
Anyway as we made our way through the park by the time we reached 58th Street, the parade was over :( and we were only able to witness two bagpipes bands leaving. My mom was a little bit peeved so onto Plan B which was to walk back through Central Park and take pictures st famous park points. This went along well, except that every time my mom went to take my picture I turned away so eventually our batteries ran low and we didn't get "the money" shots she wanted. But we did get some shots and after we got home she cooked a steak for me, gave me my favorite treats, and she sang "Happy Birthday" to me with her coffee cake (which she let me have a taste of). I then made a wish which I will not tell you what it was.
Overall, a great day! If I was around more of the people I love and if maybe I was at a beach or in the country (hint, hint) running around like crazy it would have been perfect. However the park, the love of my mommy and all my favorite foods (and lots of it) made today sweet.
Here are some of my birthday pictures and what I did today.
Waiting at the light, starting to feel a little weird...
Bagpipe band walking away :(
After 20 shots I am finally looking into the camera.
King of the World!
Wishing I could iceskate.
At the Dairy Farm.
That's a big dog!
Going down "The Wall".
Watching the acrobats at the Bandshell.
Where am I?
A pretty fountain. Enough Mom!
Watching the duckies near The Boathouse.
Come to the dark side Powder Puff, we have treats...
The Birthday Boy!
Eating my birthday steak.
Chewing my birthday treat. Lots of them.
Happy Birthday PP!
Well thanks for sharing my birthday with me. I am taking tomorrow off from the PPP to enjoy myself. Have a great weekend! Chow for now!
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