Today the PPP celebrates Earth Day! We here at the PPP started to do our share of saving planet earth by making sure our computer is off when we don't use it and unplugging the computer and other household items we don't use all the time. We were very surprised as how much less energy we used and how much money we saved. In these hard times we feel if every one knew how easy it was to save energy and money they would all be on board.
Today Oprah had a great show about Earth Day and all the things we should know and do about saving our planet. Please go to her website to check it out: www.oprah.com
Her show began with a topic I only found out recently written in fiction so I thought it may not be true but it was. She spoke about the giant garbage patches that are located in every ocean on earth. Specifically she spoke about the so-called Great Pacific Garbage Patch which has been growing a brisk rate since the 1950s. It is an enormous island of trash twice the size of Texas and can be found floating in the Pacific Ocean somewhere between San Francisco and Japan. The trash stew is 80 percent plastic and weighs more than 3.5 million tons. 80 percent of it comes from what we throw in the rivers, streams, oceans, or what blows into the ocean. The other 20 percent comes from garbage thrown out by ships, especially cruise ships who dump their garbage into the ocean.

This garbage patch is 90 feet deep in some regions and each year tens of thousands of animals and sea life lose their life by either ingesting the garbage or getting caught up in the patch. As a site that likes to spotlight animal rights we at the PPP decided to harp on this point for Earth Day and to make humans more aware of this gigantic continent of garbage floating around in all our oceans and how humans destroy our ecosystem with their incredible waste.
Whales are now starting to show signs of getting breast cancer from eating plastic. Birds are dying with bellies full of plastic inside of them. On the Oprah show we saw a cute little sea turtle chewing on plastic thinking it was food. It was very sad to see these innocent animals caught in the web of human waste.
One of things that you humans can do is to try your best to eliminate your use of plastic, especially plastic bags. I am going to have my mommy go to the grocery store with a reusable canvas bag from now on.
There are so many things we can do to make this earth better and all we have to do is educate ourselves and make an effort as it will not only make it a better place for the animals but also for yourself our the future of earth.
Chow for now!
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