For those of you who heard reports of my demise as you can see from the photo that report is greatly exaggerated. I'm okay. I'm alive.
Well, here's what happened. Today was in my opinion the first real great day of Spring. My mom and I did not have to wear any sweaters. The sun was out and so was just about every New Yorker and tourist.
Mom decided to go to to SoHo to check out the shops and do some window shopping or as she likes to put it, "heavy visualization". Well, we hopped on a train and went all the way to the Brooklyn Bridge stop and then proceeded to walk to Reade Street. Everyone was commenting on how chipper and happy I was. After being cooped up all winter I was happy to be out and about as the Canadians would say. We made our way to one of my mom's favorite shops, Anbar Shoes.
Mom loves Anbar Shoes because she thinks it's the best kept shopping secret in New York. They sell all the shoe brands she loves for really low prices. It's because of Anbar that she developed her Imelda Marcos fixation and she no longer has a place for new shoes. Well we arrived at Anbar and mom promptly went to her favorite section when around the corner came this dog who was unleashed. He wasn't that much bigger than me, he was sort of a beagle mutt mix. He came to me and we started doing the sniff your butt dance. I still had my leash on which makes me a little defensive so I did my typical jump at ya move. Now when I do this I don't mean to harm anyone. I just do it to show bigger dogs that I am not afraid of them but Cujo here decided that he was in grave danger (yeah from little old me!) and started attacking me and biting me. My mom couldn't believe it! I couldn't believe it! Mom managed to grab my leash and tried to pull me away. Cujo's owner finally came to us and pulled her devil dog off me. We thought she was a sales assistant as she took her dog and place him behind the cashier. She was actually just a customer. She immediately started with the "I don't know what happened, my dog has never done that before speech." YEAH RIGHT! "Oh he is 12 years old, he never does this, yada, yada, yada".
Upon looking at my face my mom saw that I had a tiny bit of blood on my whiskers. She couldn't find the source of blood and I went into my "lick my lips" routine which I do when I am very nervous. All the people in the shop surrounded me and tried their best to comfort me and the shop owner gave me some much needed water. I think he was afraid that my mom was going to sue him. She was hoping at least for a major discount.
Anyway my mom was determine to still look for shoes even if that meant she had to hold me like a baby the whole time. She is a woman after all and can multitask.
After looking at every shoe she saw exactly what she wanted. A pair of hot, red patent leather Michael Kors shoes for only $98 dollars. They were perfect. She fell in love. My mom these days seems to only be able to fall in love with shoes and dogs. However we are on a strict budget so she said we will back when things aren't so tight.
We then walked to SoHo which was really stressful because there were a cazillion people out on the street and I really thought I was going to be stepped on the entire time. We made some stops at the new store Top Shop which was cute but a little young. We went to my mom's favorite place for jean, Uniqlo and then to Forever 21 where once in a blue moon they have cute stuff for really low prices. Mom "visualized" her spring wardrobe.
We then hopped on the train and made our way uptown and walked to Central Park which was great for me as mom let me off the leash to have some freedom. However I kinda blew it as I saw a squirrel and just went right off with my mom chasing me and yelling for me to stop. YEAH RIGHT! Well, mom had enough and we were heading back home.
When we arrived home mom and I plopped on the couch and took a much needed nap. Overall a day of drama and adventure. However we made it home alive. Mom is getting ready to go out tonight to her friend's birthday party. Mom seems to know lots of Aries.
So I will stay here and nurse my wounds and rest. I hope y'all had a great Saturday and had the chance to get out there and have fun.
Chow for now!
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