Today on the PPP we bring you the story of Sophie Tucker, an Australian Cattle dog who was cast away for four months on a remote Australian island after being washed overboard from his owner's boat.
Whilst sailing through stormy waters off the coast of Queensland with his owners Jan and Dave Griffith last November they hit a rough patch.
"When we turned around the dog was gone," Mrs Griffith said.
"We were able to back-track to look for her, but because it was a grey day, we just couldn't find her and we searched for well over an hour.
"We thought that once she had hit the water she would have been gone because the wake from the boat was so big."
But unknown to her grieving owners, the crafty dog survived a long swim across shark-infested waters to the uninhabited St Bee island. There she lived on a diet of baby goats until being found by visiting rangers. The Griffiths were amazed to hear of the discovery and have now been reunited with their pet.
"She surprised us all," said Jan Griffith.
"She was a house dog and look what she's done, she has swum over five nautical miles, she has managed to live off the land all on her own. We wish she could talk, we truly do."
Sophie Tucker had been alone for four months on the island when she was spotted by rangers who patrol the islands.
"She was seen on St Bees looking pretty poor and then all of a sudden she started to look good and that was when they discovered she was eating baby goats," Mrs Griffith said.
"She had become quite wild and vicious. She wouldn't let anyone go near her or touch her. She wouldn't take food from anyone."
However when Sophie Tucker was brought home to the Griffiths it was quite an emotional reunion.
"We called the dog and she started whimpering and banging the cage and when they let her out she just about flattened us," Mrs Griffith told the AAP news agency.
Since then the Griffiths have reported that Sophie Tucker was reported to be in excellent shape by her vet and had adjusted to coming home with no problems.
What an amazing story! I really do wish Sophie Tucker could talk (or write) as this would make an incredible childrens book or movie.
I hate to think what would have happened to me if I was in the same predicament. As much as I would like to think I would have fared just as well, I am having a hard time envisioning me taking down a baby lamb.
Anyway, "Welcome back Sophie Tucker!" Chow for now!
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