Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy New Year! Actually, Happy New Decade!!!
We here at the PPP want to wish you and yours a very Happy New Year Year and a very happy new decade. I know in my doggie bones that 2010 is going to be the start of something great! Mom has been thinking about the last ten years and she says it was definitely much more positive than negative. Hey, Q-Ball and I came into her life with this past decade so it must be special.
My New Year's resolution is that I will start working on a daily basis on the PPP and use it for animal rights and animal stories. I am going to start using pictures showing my vantage point so you can see the world like I see it.
So I hope you continue to log onto the PPP and join me on my journey.
My mom is starting her own blog tomorrow and it's based on the remarkable information she has learned over the years from living in NYC, traveling and having such smart, remarkable friends.
Have a happy, safe, sober New Year and well...Chow for now!!
Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas Everyone from the PPP!!
Friday, November 13, 2009
This Would Be My Mom's Fantasy
This story sounds more like the ramblings of my mommy's fantasies but it actually happened in Victoria, Australia.
Some strong wind came and blew Sue Drummond's dog Bibi off the pier they were walking on and into the water. Sue didn't think she was strong enough to jump in the water and save Bibi but luckily for her a male underwear model saw what happened, stripped and jumped into the water. Bibi's savior was Raden Soemawinata who said, "It was pretty cold and windy, but it wasn't such a hard decision to jump in, it wasn't such a great feat. I'm a part-time model, so getting into my jocks isn't so different to what I do for work."
I hope my mother doesn't get any ideas into her head and start walking me close to the edge of the East River during Fashion Week because I am skinny with hair (Maltese's don't have fur) and I would croak from the shock of the cold water. Bibi is a much sturdier breed than me.
To make matters even mushier, Raden was on the pier to spread his grandma's ashes. All that sensitivity, braveness and strong pecs rolled into one. Now I know why my mom's been Googling airfares to Australia. Forget Berlin!
Here are some pics of the rescue. Yes I was kind enough to slip in a picture for the readers of the PPP who enjoy male, wet, clingy underwear shots.
Chow for now!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Palm Beach Sugar Daddy Ken with Matching Maltese
My breed of Maltese was the chosen canine companion for the Palm Beach Sugar Daddy Ken. Yes Mattel has done it again! They have taken everything we ever thought Ken was and ran with it. Palm Beach Sugar Daddy Ken is depicted here as a Palm Beach gay man in search of a house boy (Maltese included). Here is Mattel's description of Palm Beach Sugar Daddy Ken. No joking!!
"Cool sophistication in breezy Palm Beach! Sporting a dashing jacquard-patterned jacket with a light pink polo shirt and crisp white pants, Ken doll is ready for Palm Beach social season, sunning by the pool and a stroll with his little companion. Fashion designed exclusively for the Silkstone Barbie doll body (Ed note: aka Palm Beach Fag Hag Barbie). Includes Ken doll, jacket, pink polo shirt, white shoes, dog with leash, swim trunks and accessories, doll stand and certificate of authenticity."
Apparently I am a fancy dog, living in a fancy world with fancy people. I have to admit I am a little envious of Palm Beach Sugar Daddy Ken's dog. He has my dream life. Oh well, off to meditate for some creative visualization!
Chow for now!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Brilliant Humane Genuis = Vegetarians
Ever since my mother got back from her retreat this summer, actually even a month before she went to her retreat she stopped eating meat. She did it for spiritual reasons at first but after the retreat she continued on for ethical reasons.
My mom was first a vegetarian for five years in her mid-twenties as she briefly dated an author who wrote about vegetarianism. One of the first sentences in a book he gave her said, "Why take a life when the earth provides such an abundance of fruits, vegetables and grains." That one sentence alone made sense to her and resonated deeply in something that she felt she always believed even when she was a child. She knew she was being a hypocrite by eating meat. With the mind connection it was an easy thing to do, however she had a tiny kitchen and did not really like to cook back then so her health suffered a little and her doctor felt strongly that she should go back to eating meat if she wasn't going to be a proper vegetarian. So she like most just turned a blind eye to eating meat again.
Now that she is older and a little bit wiser she is a vegetarian again. Eventually with more research she will also be a vegan as ignorance of how dairy and eggs are handled in the United States reflect eating some bad karma. Especially if eggs and dairy aren't free range or come from an organic farm, you almost might as well be eating meat. Mom has also realized that vegetarian diets are not like they were fifteen years ago. Vegetarian menus are much more tasty and filling. She says she honestly has not missed eating meat for one second. She also around the time she decided to continue with a vegetarian diet happen to meet a few vegetarian chefs and nutritionists so the universe was definitely encouraging her direction of diet.
Lastly, how could you eat meat when you have the love of your pets, Q-Ball and Powder Puff.
-It would seem my mother is in good company. Um, make that excellent company!! It seems some of the most brilliant individuals who ever walked this earth were also vegetarians. I have collected some of their quotes and I just wanted to share them with you.
-Truly man is the king of beasts, for his brutality exceeds theirs. We live by the death of others: we are burial places! I have from an early age abjured the use of meat, and the time will come when men such as I will look on the murder of animals as they now look on the murder of men. ~Leonardo da Vinci
-I have no doubt that it is a part of the destiny of the human race, in its gradual improvement, to leave off eating animals, as surely as the savage tribes have left off eating each other.... ~Henry David Thoreau, Walden, 1854
-You have just dined, and however scrupulously the slaughterhouse is concealed in the graceful distance of miles, there is complicity. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
-While we ourselves are the living graves of murdered beasts, how can we expect any ideal conditions on this earth? ~George Bernard Shaw
-"Thou shalt not kill" does not apply to murder of one's own kind only, but to all living beings; and this Commandment was inscribed in the human breast long before it was proclaimed from Sinai. ~Leo Tolstoy
-Can you really ask what reason Pythagoras had for abstaining from flesh? For my part I rather wonder both by what accident and in what state of soul or mind the first man did so, touched his mouth to gore and brought his lips to the flesh of a dead creature, he who set forth tables of dead, stale bodies and ventured to call food and nourishment the parts that had a little before bellowed and cried, moved and lived. How could his eyes endure the slaughter when throats were slit and hides flayed and limbs torn from limb? How could his nose endure the stench? How was it that the pollution did not turn away his taste, which made contact with the sores of others and sucked juices and serums from mortal wounds? ~Plutarch
-It is only by softening and disguising dead flesh by culinary preparation that it is rendered susceptible of mastication or digestion, and that the sight of its bloody juices and raw horror does not excite intolerable loathing and disgust. ~Percy Bysshe Shelley, Queen Mab Notes
-To my mind, the life of a lamb is no less precious than that of a human being. I should be unwilling to take the life of a lamb for the sake of the human body. ~Mahatma Gandhi
-Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet. ~Albert Einstein
-Think of the fierce energy concentrated in an acorn! You bury it in the ground, and it explodes into an oak! Bury a sheep, and nothing happens but decay. ~George Bernard Shaw
-If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian. ~Paul McCartney
-A man of my spiritual intensity does not eat corpses. ~George Bernard Shaw
-My tummy is not a graveyard. – Swami Sri Purna
Something to think about...
Chow for now!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Happy Birthday Uncle Adrian!!
Hello All!
I know, I know, it's been quite a while since you have received a post from the PPP.
I have been going through a transformation, a sort or a metamorphosis and I needed some time to get inspired again. Well is there any better reason to start up the old PP than to wish my Uncle Adrian a very Happy Birthday.
He has been the closest human being I have had as a father figure and I have learned so much from him. I also am very cared for by him even though he and mommy are just friends, how lucky am I? He could have just as easily forgotten about me but he didn't and for this I will be forever grateful and love him always.
So Uncle Adrian have a great birthday and don't worry about my sprain paw, it will heal...eventually!
In the meantime here is a photo of me last night in my Halloween costume (again for the second year in a row, Captain Jack Sparrow, hey we had to justify spending that much money on the costume). Just in case you think that is a wooden peg I am wearing, no it's my ace bandage for my sprain which went very well with my costume this year! I got lots of treats and my photo must of been taken at least 20 times last night. I am a Upper East Side legend.
It's good to be back!!
Chow for now!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Natalie Rivera Jewelry at Atmananda's Boutique
Hi All! The PPP is very proud to announce that my mom's entire jewelry collection is going to be featured at the boutique at Atmananda Yoga Studio located at 324 Lafayette Street, 7th floor, New York, NY 10012 (between Bleecker and Houston Street).
Buy a piece of jewelry and get a free yoga class!! The more you buy the better my life becomes so think of it as giving to the universe for good karma :)
Chow for now!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Coyote Ugliness
Sorry for the lack of posts lately. Mom has been very busy lately and I have a hard time doing the posts myself without opposesable thumbs.
Today we report the death of a celebrity dog who died in a heinous manner. Jessica Simpson's Maltipoo, Daisy, was taken away by a coyote who managed to get into her yard. Jessica Twittered that she watched in "HORROR" as those evil coyotes took Daisy. Jessica has posted this flier all around town and on Twitter asking the coyotes to please e-mail her. She is ready negotiate!
Q-Ball and I once encountered a coyote in California while walking at grandma's house. It looked liked a dog but it jumped over bushes and fences. Mom scared it away as she knew that the coyotes were notorious for eating little dogs and cats. So it is with great sadness that we write this post today as we know what happens when coyotes take away little dogs.
So RIP little Daisy. You were quite a looker, I must admit I had a crush on you and your Carmel colored hair. It's sad that this happened near the anniversary of Q-Ball's death. I am sure Jessica Simpson is inconsolable as that is how we were went Q-Ball died.
Daisy you are now a flower puppy in heaven.
Chow for now!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
In Memory of Q-Ball, Sept 7th 2009
A picture of Q-Ball in happier days.
Today was a hard day for my mom and me as it was the first year anniversary of Q-Ball's death.
I can't believe it's been one year already since that horrible day that changed my life and my mom's life forever. We still miss her greatly as she had such a strong spirit that inspired us and made us love her so much.
My mom and I had a great Labor Day Weekend at Shelter Island with her friends Francesca and Donald. It really helped us usher in this sad day surrounded by good friends, wonderful scenery and good food. I will update on our Shelter Island weekend in the next PPP. When we got back to New York City we decided to go to the spot where Q-Ball was run over as we had not been there since that terrible day. We thought we should do memorial service for her.
Well we got some roses and braced ourselves on our walk to the Great Lawn.
To our surprise we were encountered with a significant improvement of the signage in Central Park about no bicycling on the path. There were tall triangular signs that said "No bicycling on the path" at every entrance to the Great Lawn and spray painted signs on the sidewalk saying that "Bikes must be walked on the path". Can it be that our letters to Central Park Organization have actually helped the organization in bringing about change in signage? Can it be that our beloved Q-Ball's death was actually not in vain? It had been a year that we went to this part of the park so I don't know how long this remarkable change has been taking place. It was a miracle for us. We are so grateful that Central Park has gone the extra mile to make both humans and dogs safer from bicyclists.
However we did see a guy speeding on his bike in the path and when my mom tried to tell him that he was not supposed to be riding his bike on the path he told her where to go. She ran after him calling for the police (no police where around unfortunately) but we are going to call for police every time we see someone doing this. We might even make a citizen's arrest one day.
We left flowers on the path, said a few prayers and wished Q-Ball much happiness in heaven.
Q-Ball we will never forget...
Chow for now!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
The Summer of Death Continues...
Never in my short life have I lived in summer with so many deaths of famous people. We even had the death of Chanel the world's oldest dog just last week. Well brace yourself, I hate to be the bearer of more bad news but this is The Powder Puffington Post and we are here to report the news no matter how sad :( it might be. Scooter, a contender of the world's smallest dog has passed on.
I am particularly heartbroken because Scooter is a Maltese and looks a little like my girlfriend Bacci (only Bacci will get a little bit bigger I am told). Scooter's owner said he broke his leg after jumping out of her arms. The vet put Scooter's leg in a cast and gave him some medicine to take at home. Sadly, the medicine gave him a stomach ulcer and Scooter now resides in heaven. Just the thought of Scooter's tiny leg in a cast the size of a thimble is making me cry in my dark ale (hey just because mom isn't drinking doesn't mean I have to jump on the wagon too).
Scooter's owner added, "I put him in the box with flowers and a little dove picture to take him to heaven – he looked wonderful."
6-month-old Scooter, who was 8cm tall, 20cm long and weighed 400 grams, was going to try for the title of the smallest dog in the world when he turned 1.
Between Q-Ball and Scooter, Heaven must be the cutest spot in the Universe.
Just so you don't think the PPP is a messenger of doom, here is a cute link of a puppy that seems to have a hard time getting off his back. Me thinks this little guy must come from a puppy mill and be a little bit defective (in a cute way). And let's give mom snaps for finally learning how to insert a link. It only took almost a year but hey, better late than never!
Chow for now!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
I'm In Love! I'm In Love! I'm In Love! I'm In Love!
Yes it finally happened to me! I Powder Puff Rivera am in love!!
It took me awhile, I am 42 in dog years but yesterday in Central Park, along the hilly area of Cedar Hill, I came upon my new girlfriend, Bacci. Bacci is a purebred white Maltese dog just like me. She is 6 months old (don't you dare judge me!!). This is the real thing, not some May-December romance. Besides I live in New York City and drink the tap water so it would be no surprise I act like a "dawg", a New York City dawg! I have a feeling all the players are giving me "high-five" in their minds.
It was love at first sight. When I saw her I immediately charged after her and knocked her off her feet and out of her harness (I am not a subtle lover). I then started chasing her around and around the tree, the bushes, up the hill, down the hill in circles, in figure eights and then after awhile, she started chasing me and showing me her spunk!
We played like this for over TWO HOURS! Then I thought we knew each other for me to get a little frisky and do the dance of the hump. However Bacci's mother gently took me off of Bacci every time I did this as she didn't want her daughter "deflowered" whatever that means. I couldn't help myself, I was so happy and excited. My mommy kept telling me the same things she use to say when Q-Ball was alive; "No means no", "Don't be rude", yada, yada, yada.
Well, my mommy became friends with Bacci's owners and they agreed that we can have more play dates in the future. Yes! There is a Mrs. PP in the future, I guess I just have to wait for her to reach legal age for marriage and consummation. I am so happy my mom made sure Bacci will be in my life. I can't wait for you all to meet her, she is the sweetest, prettiest girl ever (next to Q-Ball that is).
Life is new again, the colors are brighter, the air smells sweeter, my Caesar's dog food is even edible again. I have a jaunty prance in my walk again. Life is beautiful! I'm a dog in love.
Chow for now xoxo!
Monday, August 31, 2009
This is a sad day in doggie land as Chanel the world's oldest dog has passed away at the ripe old age of 21 (hey that's 147 in dog years). Chanel, the wirehaired dachshund who held the Guinness World Record for oldest dog, died Aug. 28, 2009.
Earlier this year, the dog's owners, Karl and Denice Shaughnessy of Port Jefferson Station, N.Y., said that Chanel, who wore sunglasses for cataracts but was otherwise in good health, still had plenty of pep. "While I go to work she sleeps all day until I come home and then when I get home she is like a ball of fire,”.
Chanel did have her "senior moments" which include wandering around the house in the middle of the night until she got a snack (yikes! I do that too and I'm only 6!!). Her owners said the dogtreat Dogwell help Chanel reach her old age (mental not to add to my mom's shopping list).
I feel bad for Chanel's parent's as they must miss her so much because she has been a part of their life for so long, but as I have been learning in my studies on the path (yeah we dogs can learn something too) that Chanel was here to bring joy and love, in which she did, but she is going on to a place of pure love so we have to be happy for her. She lived a long, happy fulfilled life here on earth.
Chow for now!!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Bo's Summer In Martha's Vineyard
Where to go on summer vacation when you are the nation's first pet? Martha's Vineyard of course! Right now Bo, the first family's dog is living MY life! I kid, I am living my life because apparently this is my karma but I wouldn't mind spending some time on the island as my mother went for two summers a few years ago and she says it was quite idyllic.
The Obama family is spending their summer vacation on Martha's Vineyard staying at Blue Herron Farm. Bo will get to roam the woods and scale the bluffs as he runs down to the beach (private beach) that his property entails. Am I envious? Just a little. Okay a lot, but my mom assures me that one day this will be my life and she is trying to get me to the beach a few more times before summer ends.
In the meantime my mom and I have been spending lots of time in Central Park. She has found some places where I can roam around free and feel like I am in the real countryside and not a urban oasis.
My mom has a visualization board but I think that I need one now with all that I want to experience in life. Actually I think I will make my next post in the PPP my visualization board so you all can see and help me attain my wishes and dreams.
Chow for now!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
This Is Not A Toy
This is an Axolotls. An Axolotls is a Mexican amphibian that never grew up and is on the verge of going extinct in the wild. The PPP had to do massive amounts of research to make sure that this animal was for real and not a Mattel toy as he looks so darn cute. Like a hairless creature from Fraggle Rock.
New survey work suggests that fewer than 1,200 Mexican axolotls remain in its last stronghold, the Xochimilco area of central Mexico. The axolotl is a type of salamander that uniquely spends its whole life in its larval form. But they usually do so in response to their environment, for example, if temperatures are too cold to emerge onto land as an adult salamander, the tadpole larvae may just keep growing underwater instead.
The Mexican axolotl is the only species that never undergoes metamorphosis. Its odd lifestyle, features and ability to regenerate body parts make it a popular animal kept in labs, schools and as pets.
As the human population grows, the wetlands where the Axolotls lives have grown smaller. The most recent work shows that the reduction in water quality is one of the main factors driving the axolotl to extinction in the wild.
Another is the presence of large numbers of introduced carp and tilapia fish, which both compete ecologically with axolotls for food and resource, and also eat axolotl eggs.
Reintroducing the axolotl to other axolotl is dangerous because it may introduce disease and wipe them out completely.
I personally think the axolotl is a little Mexican fairy and he is disappearing because this world has lost faith in magic, but hey that's just my opinion. I wouldn't mind one as a pet but I know my mother would mind feeding it bugs as she is a vegetarian know and would probably want to serve it cold pressed flax seed (very good for the heart, immune system and skin!).
This little fella is so darn cute! He looks like he is smiling in the picture. I'm thinking maybe we can do a cartoon with me as the lovable cute Maltese and Alessandro the pixie-like axolotls who rides on my head looking for adventure in the forests of Mexico and in New York City. What do you think? I gotta get Uncle Adrian to start drawing up some story boards.
It's a million dollar idea! Chow for now!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
How Would You Like It If Someone Did This To You?
It's a good thing that the PPP is back in business as it is up to us to disclose the injustices done to dogs everywhere and that brings me to our story today.
Apparently around the world there are what you would call "creative grooming shows" that take poodles and turn them into other animals like camels, pandas, horses, even characters from movies like Jack Sparrow. In two hours perfectly normal poodles are made to look like animal drag queens. Then they are judged by a panel of twits who have nothing better to do on a Saturday afternoon.
Expert dog snapper Ren, from Florida, USA, said: "When these dogs come into the arena for a show or a competition you have absolutely no idea what they are going to be turned into.
"The groomers do colour them before they arrive but basically all you see at first is an extremely fluffy poodle that has weird coloured patterns on it.
"The transformation they go through is simply spectacular. There's no other word for it. It's amazing what they can do in so little time."
He is the only professional photographer who is brought in to capture images of the winning poodles on behalf of the show organisers.
"Watching the owners turn these balls of hair into something so intricate and detailed really does baffle anyone watching.
The artistic owners - almost entirely women - colour their beloved dogs with powdered paint sprayed on using blow pens which is non permanent.
"The dogs seem to love the whole experience," said Ren. "One of the reasons I love my job is because I love animals so much. I much prefer working with them than people.
"By the time the dogs get to me after they have been through the tournament they are bounding around and very happy.
Umm, I beg to differ. Only someone into furries would say that, this man just outed himself as a man who dresses like stuffed animals to have sex.
Anyway, as my mom's boss would say, "Bad, bad karma to you!" Get a life and love your dog for what they are, dogs! Not camels!!
My mom may put a LaCoste polo shirt on me and there is that time I was made to wear a Jack Sparrow Halloween costume but it WAS Halloween and my polo shirt looks good in the Hamptons.
Well, Chow for now!
I'm Back Baby!
Umm, yeah, I didn't mean to take a three week vacation from the PPP but I guess I needed it to recharge my batteries and stir up my creative juices again. Anyway I am back and it has been a very awesome past three weeks as my mom and I are now "on the path".
What is "the path"? Well it is the path to enlightenment and I am along for the ride. Except for the part where my mom is thinking of making me a vegetarian dog, I am quite excited. How are we going to do this? Through daily meditation, constant vigilance, yoga, refraining of alcohol and other stimuli, a vegetarian diet (yikes, no more pulled-pork sandwiches), mantras and using the great city of New York as a daily reason to crank up the love as we are tested on a daily basis in this city. So far I have failed on a daily basis as I can't see to help myself as I charge for the big scary dogs that come my way but I am hoping that being on the path will one day change both my mom and me and transform us into more loving, spiritual beings.
We have our very own guru to follow now (Swami Purna) and mom has been engrossed in one of his books, "The Truth Shall Set You Free". She highly recommends the book to all her friends who want a more spiritual life. However we promise not to ever preach to anyone, we hope to inspire you to the path by showing how it has made our life much better as we search for self bliss.
Anyhow, it has been quite an eventful August and I had some beach time in Shelter Island (see pic above). I really need to meditate on getting my mom and I to the beach more often as it definitely is the life for me!
I hope everyone has been having a great summer so far and is planning on enjoying what is left of August. I missed you and look forward to posting more on the PPP.
Chow for now!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Pet Finder Pet of the Week - Rusty
It's been awhile since I have done a Petfinder Pet of the Week Spotlight so today in honor of my mom going away for a few days for a spiritual retreat and my friend Leroy we are going to spotlight a Yorkshire Terrier, aka, a Yorkie.
This week we will spotlight Rusty, a male senior Yorkie who is probably a difficult adoption due to his health but this week we are going to believe in miracles. Here is his story.
Rusty is such a wonderful little guy. All he wants is to cuddle up with you and give kisses. Unfortunately Rusty is very afraid of other dogs. He will try to hide from our dogs and when at the vet he gets very worked up . We now know that we can only consider a home without other dogs. Rusty does love children but due to his health he should not be in a home with young children. The vet has advised us that he needs to stay calm and is not permitted outdoors in severe heat or humidity. It has been very challenging to keep him from getting excited. Even though he is sick he tries to run around and play like a pup. The perfect home for Rusty would be with someone home during the day and with an understanding that he will need daily meds for the rest of his life. We have a long way to go with his medical bills and we have several more bills in the near future. 6/1/09 Meet Rusty.....this sweet little guy was surrendered to a kill shelter by his owner. The thought that this sick little guy was left in a crowded shelter to spend his final days is just heart breaking!! Rusty has been diagnosed with a collapsing trachea, enlarged heart, ear infections, eye infection, and nuclear sclerosis just to start. He is also battling kennel cough from the shelter. At this time he is just settling and we are hoping he will have some quality of life left. We are not sure if he will go up for adoption or live out his life with his foster family. Anyone that has experience with these conditions and has a quiet home where Rusty can relax may be considered to adopt him. Right now we are looking to do what is best for him. You may contact Dina at if you think you might be a perfect match for our little guy. PLEASE READ: Adopters will not be considered without completing an application. Please visit to apply! Remember - Adoption is always the best option! If you can't help by adopting a homeless pet, please consider making a tax-deductable donation to American Bulldog Rescue, 4 Terry Drive, Suite 1D Newtown, PA 18940 or paypal
After having Leroy with us I am very sad to hear about Rusty's story. I hope he finds a loving home to live out the rest of his days.
Well while my mommy is away I will be staying with Aunty Annie at Uncle Adrian's place. He is away in the UK visiting his dad so I have her all to myself. I love to sleep with models (well I am a dog) and we are going to the beach so it will be a swell weekend ahead for me.
Chow for now!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
People Let Me Tell You About My Best Friend...
He's a warm hearted dog that'll love you till the end.
What you lookin at?!
I am a little sad as my BFF Leroy the Yorkie has left to go back home today. We were getting along so well too! He even found a good friend in Judge (they liked to make out all day, hmmm...) Judge didn't even like Mom playing rough with Leroy as he went to protect her from him as he thought she was harming him. So I gather Judge is sad and missing his little friend Leroy too.
Here are some exiting shots taken today.
I mean it, don't come any closer lady!
Pretend the crazy lady is not there...
Ebony and Ivory live together in perfect harmony.
Well, my mommy went to The Metropolitan Museum of Art today with Papa, Aunty Lillian and Matt. This was Papa's first time at the Met and he seemed to enjoy it and learn a lot (so my mommy informed me as I am not allowed in).
Here are some shots of them enjoying the Arms and Armor gallery at the Met.
Tomorrow they are abandoning me again to do a tour of downtown Manhattan and the Museum of Natural History.
I will be home alone gnawing at my paw (just a little passive-aggressive guilt trip I learned along the way).
Have a great weekend y'all! Chow for now!
What you lookin at?!
I am a little sad as my BFF Leroy the Yorkie has left to go back home today. We were getting along so well too! He even found a good friend in Judge (they liked to make out all day, hmmm...) Judge didn't even like Mom playing rough with Leroy as he went to protect her from him as he thought she was harming him. So I gather Judge is sad and missing his little friend Leroy too.
Here are some exiting shots taken today.
I mean it, don't come any closer lady!
Pretend the crazy lady is not there...
Ebony and Ivory live together in perfect harmony.
Well, my mommy went to The Metropolitan Museum of Art today with Papa, Aunty Lillian and Matt. This was Papa's first time at the Met and he seemed to enjoy it and learn a lot (so my mommy informed me as I am not allowed in).
Here are some shots of them enjoying the Arms and Armor gallery at the Met.
Tomorrow they are abandoning me again to do a tour of downtown Manhattan and the Museum of Natural History.
I will be home alone gnawing at my paw (just a little passive-aggressive guilt trip I learned along the way).
Have a great weekend y'all! Chow for now!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Some Sad News...
Sorry, it's been awhile since I posted but I have been busy being a big brother to Leroy the Yorkie. We have bonded in the last few days (and I don't mean when I excitedly hump him). He is my little compadre now. Well onto the news...
Very sad, um yes very sad indeed. Sybil the cat, who moved into Downing Street shortly after Prime Minister Gordon Brown took office two years ago, has died after a short illness.
The black and white feline, named after Basil Fawlty's wife in the hit 1970s comedy Fawlty Towers, was brought to London by Alistair Darling after he became Chancellor of the Exchequer in Brown's government in June 2007. Sybil died earlier this week at the home of a family friend, a Downing Street spokesman said.
It's always a national tragedy when the nation's first pet dies. However in her short life, Sybil lived large. Darling's official residence is number 11, next door to Brown's 10 Downing Street home, but a spokesman for the incoming premier admitted in 2007 that the cat would have the run of both houses.
"It's quite difficult to confine cats, so, yes. The prime minister doesn't have a problem with it. (The prime minister's wife) Sarah Brown doesn't have a problem with it," he said at the time.
Well, here's hoping Sybil is chasing that big mouse in the sky. RIP.
Chow for now!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Introducing Solia Beatrice Gipe
There's a new little angel in town and her name is Solia Beatrice Gipe. She is Leroy's little human sister and she is ADORABLE!!
Little Solia is almost a week old and she came to this earth through a tough, long, painful labor in which her mommy's gallbladder decided to act up (I think Solia may have kicked it during labor-ALERT, future soccer player of America!).
Solia has her parent's good looks and even more important, their gentle temperament. I am looking forward to Solia cooing over me when she gets older as mommy and me are hoping for babysitting duty (you know, for "date night"). Now that Leroy and I are like brother's I am thinking that makes me Solia's step-dog brother??
Anyway here are some shots of the "Familia LaChapgipe".
Ian trying to burp "old school".
Ian burping Solia "new school" with the theory that if her spine is straight the burp will flow quickly through her body (with a tiny bit of rattling). I think it's working, I see a burp bubble forming in her mouth.
Wow! Look at those cabbage filled knockers!! Yousa! We need to put pictures of missing children on "the girls"!
Chow for now!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Okay, 1,2,3, All Together Now...Awwww
Today's story comes from The Daily Mirror, although a tabloid, sometimes they do bring a tear to the eye.
Collies usually round up sheep not each other... but as the eyes of her blind canine companion, little Bonnie steers Clyde away from trouble.
The five-year-old long-haired border collie, who has lost his sight because of a degenerative disease, relies entirely on Bonnie as his guide dog. He follows her everywhere.
And like the American gangster lovers they have been named after, the friendly dogs are on the lookout for a safe, new hideaway.
They were recently dumped in the street during a storm and are currently being cared for at Meadow Green Dog Rescue Centre in Hales Green, near Loddon in Norfolk.
The centre's Cherie Cootes said: "If Clyde's unsure where he is, he will suddenly go behind Bonnie and put his face on the back of her so she can guide him. He totally relies on her.
"And when she walks she tends to stop and make sure he's there - she does look out for him. When she's about you wouldn't notice he is blind, but when she's not about he refuses to move. There's no option of homing them separately. They've got to go as a pair."
A driver found the dogs running through Blundeston, near Lowestoft, Suffolk, during a storm three weeks ago. Neither Clyde nor Bonnie - a short-haired border collie aged two or three - had identifying collars or chips.
Cherie, 40, added: "They've got very nice manners and they walk well on the lead.
"They really are a very sweet pair of dogs."
Okay now! AAAWWWWW! This story makes my 1 1/2" diameter of a heart beat hard. I love a good doggie love story. Uncle Adrian I smell a screenplay here. Jump on it!! Maybe I can play Clyde and Leroy can play Bonnie?
Oh well! The end to another fascinating week here at the PPP. I hope you all have a great weekend!
Chow for now!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
And Then There Were Three...
Look to the side...
My mommy's friends Marielise and Ian had a beautiful baby girl, Solia Beatrice Gipe, this week so my mommy said it would be okay to take care of their Yorkie Leroy for a few days while they gel as a nuevo familia.
So now I have Judge the French Bulldog and Leroy the Yorkie living with me. It's a regular three-ring circus here at The Powder Puffington Post.
Look straight ahead...
We are all actually getting along. My mom can't believe how messy the house is as every 15 minutes someone is using the wee-wee pad. She says she will never invite anyone to the house again. We just saw a product on TV called the "Potty Patch" which is synthetic grass that dogs like to go on and at the end of the day you just pour out the pee-pee. Hey sounds like it will save hundreds on wee-wee pads and the environment.
Now down, look down...
Any how, it's been interesting to see all of us try to prove who is top banana here. I know one day I will be the master of my domain again.
Okay, I'm having fun, I will admit it. I have some friends, I am not alone and it's summer in New York.
Chow for now!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Welcome to the Taco Bell in the Sky!
It's our 175th post and we at the PPP are very happy and grateful for this milestone. However we have very sad news to relate to you today. Gidget, the Chihuahua best known for her Taco Bell ad campaign, died from a stroke on Tuesday night at age 15.
"She made so many people happy," says Gidget's trainer, Sue Chipperton. Even at 15 Gidget was a consummate pro and delighted the crew with her playful nature. The mostly retired actor lived out her days laying in the sun – "I like to joke that it's like looking after a plant," says Chipperton – and entertaining at shoots when her trainer brought her along. "Gidget," says Chipperton, "always knew where the camera was."
"When she's on a set, she comes alive," Chipperton said at the time. But when the mostly retired canine actor wasn't joining her trainer on shoots, the 15-year-old was happy to just kick back. "She goes on hikes with me and she loves the sun," said Chipperton, who added that Gidget was happy to sleep "for 23 hours and 45 minutes a day. She'll lay outside when it's 105 degrees!
In addition to her gig as spokesdog for Taco Bell, Gidget appeared in a commercial for the '90s edition of Trivial Pursuit and played Bruiser's mom in Legally Blonde 2 (Moonie, the dog who played Bruiser, was her best friend and sometime roommate at Chipperton's house).
Other than a few other small cameos, Gidget's working life didn't continue much beyond her Taco Bell legacy. But she left quite an impression. "One time, I kid you not, she actually pushed her stand-in out of the way because he was still there when she arrived on set," Chipperton recalled with a laugh.
Me loves a ham! Adios Gidget, adios!
Chow for now!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
We're Jammin'!
This is a rarity. Actually this is a first. The first time I did two posts in one day, so let's pretend the post I did this morning was a VERY late post from yesterday. I just wanted to share my day as I went with mommy and Dag to Central Park Summerstage to hear Alpha Blondie, the rasta group from the Ivory Coast. It was a beautiful day for an outdoor concert.
My mom finally got the plastic tag off my pup tent and I really did like having a little home of my own that made me feel safe in the middle of the park. However I did not appreciate it when mom put me in the tent and zippered it up like a jail cell whenever I did something naughty like chase the really big dog breed called "horses".
Here is Dagomatic!! One of mom's oldest friends and a photographer for Natalie Rivera Jewelry.
You can't see but across the way Summerstage was happening. The line was too long so we sat across the way and listened to the music. It was my first Rastafarian concert. Had it been a few days before I would have had white rasta hair. Now I look like a clean cut Princess dog.
Heeerrreee's Rick! As hilarious as always!!
Photographic evidence that I pee like a racehorse (and I mean my position, not that I always am going to the bathroom). Q-Ball raised one leg, I crouch.
Me tasting some of mom's snowcone. We tried and tried but there was NO flavor at all in the entire $3 snowcone. Should have gone for the Creamcicle.
Well, here's hoping I get to go to more concerts in the park to increase my exposure to different music genres. We are hoping to get to the beach one day this week so I can run in the sand and mom can float in the ocean as we are just itching for it.
Chow for now!
My mom finally got the plastic tag off my pup tent and I really did like having a little home of my own that made me feel safe in the middle of the park. However I did not appreciate it when mom put me in the tent and zippered it up like a jail cell whenever I did something naughty like chase the really big dog breed called "horses".
Here is Dagomatic!! One of mom's oldest friends and a photographer for Natalie Rivera Jewelry.
You can't see but across the way Summerstage was happening. The line was too long so we sat across the way and listened to the music. It was my first Rastafarian concert. Had it been a few days before I would have had white rasta hair. Now I look like a clean cut Princess dog.
Heeerrreee's Rick! As hilarious as always!!
Photographic evidence that I pee like a racehorse (and I mean my position, not that I always am going to the bathroom). Q-Ball raised one leg, I crouch.
Me tasting some of mom's snowcone. We tried and tried but there was NO flavor at all in the entire $3 snowcone. Should have gone for the Creamcicle.
Well, here's hoping I get to go to more concerts in the park to increase my exposure to different music genres. We are hoping to get to the beach one day this week so I can run in the sand and mom can float in the ocean as we are just itching for it.
Chow for now!
I've Got The Look!
Well a summer time puppy cut look without floppy ear look!
Here is how I look with my new haircut. Everyone now thinks I look like a little puppy so there are twice the amount of little girl groupies stopping me on the street for a little cuddle.
Well I am more comfortable now and I can actually feel the breeze now on my skin.
Now it's time for you to tell me, "How Do I Look?"
My mom's friend Marielise is in labor now so we are going to host her little dog Leroy the Yorkie for a week so it should be really interesting here with three male dogs trying to declare themselves Alpha Dog. Speaking of which...
Have a great weekend, we are headed to Summerstage in Central Park to listen to rasta band Alpha Blondie. Ay man!
Chow for now!
Friday, July 17, 2009
A Day In The Life Of PP
I was wondering what to write today for the PPP and then I thought, "Why don't I write about myself and show my readers how I spend my day?" Brilliant huh!
Well here is a photo journal of my day.
It starts with me waking up. As you see I inherited my mommy's allergy to waking up early and not being a natural beauty.
Then I eat some breakfast. I have it fast before Judge comes and tries to bully me out of my meal. He likes my Little Cesar's more than his organic Stella and Chewy beef patties. I used to eat that and I understand why Judge likes my food better.
Then we walk to Central Park and I look for lovers in the midst of a picnic who won't se me borrow their food. This Japanese couple had no food with them. It was a wash!
I sit with my mom but it gets too hot even with the water.
She brought my little pop-up tent but we couldn't open the packaging. This is what it would have looked like if we could use it.
Made in the shade.
I hunted birds. Don't worry, it was catch and release (without a head, he-he, just kidding).
My mumsy and me.
Walking back home with my Kate Spade leash. I am in the Upper East Side after all.
Thinking of an idea for the PPP, by golly I think I have an idea!
Working on the PPP! Deadline is looming upon me, waiting for the proof's and Uncle Adrian's editorial comments (which are always the same, "Spelling PP, check your spelling!")
Racing home after the evening walk. I beat mommy upstairs. Last week I went to the six floor as a joke and she dangled me over the roof as she thought making her race after me to the top of our building was not too funny.
Sleeping in the nude! Goodnight all. That's my charmed life. Stay tune for tomorrow as I go to the groomers and will not look like a dust mop anymore.
Chow for now!
Well here is a photo journal of my day.
It starts with me waking up. As you see I inherited my mommy's allergy to waking up early and not being a natural beauty.
Then I eat some breakfast. I have it fast before Judge comes and tries to bully me out of my meal. He likes my Little Cesar's more than his organic Stella and Chewy beef patties. I used to eat that and I understand why Judge likes my food better.
Then we walk to Central Park and I look for lovers in the midst of a picnic who won't se me borrow their food. This Japanese couple had no food with them. It was a wash!
I sit with my mom but it gets too hot even with the water.
She brought my little pop-up tent but we couldn't open the packaging. This is what it would have looked like if we could use it.
Made in the shade.
I hunted birds. Don't worry, it was catch and release (without a head, he-he, just kidding).
My mumsy and me.
Walking back home with my Kate Spade leash. I am in the Upper East Side after all.
Thinking of an idea for the PPP, by golly I think I have an idea!
Working on the PPP! Deadline is looming upon me, waiting for the proof's and Uncle Adrian's editorial comments (which are always the same, "Spelling PP, check your spelling!")
Racing home after the evening walk. I beat mommy upstairs. Last week I went to the six floor as a joke and she dangled me over the roof as she thought making her race after me to the top of our building was not too funny.
Sleeping in the nude! Goodnight all. That's my charmed life. Stay tune for tomorrow as I go to the groomers and will not look like a dust mop anymore.
Chow for now!
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