Hello All!
I know, I know, it's been quite a while since you have received a post from the PPP.
I have been going through a transformation, a sort or a metamorphosis and I needed some time to get inspired again. Well is there any better reason to start up the old PP than to wish my Uncle Adrian a very Happy Birthday.
He has been the closest human being I have had as a father figure and I have learned so much from him. I also am very cared for by him even though he and mommy are just friends, how lucky am I? He could have just as easily forgotten about me but he didn't and for this I will be forever grateful and love him always.
So Uncle Adrian have a great birthday and don't worry about my sprain paw, it will heal...eventually!
In the meantime here is a photo of me last night in my Halloween costume (again for the second year in a row, Captain Jack Sparrow, hey we had to justify spending that much money on the costume). Just in case you think that is a wooden peg I am wearing, no it's my ace bandage for my sprain which went very well with my costume this year! I got lots of treats and my photo must of been taken at least 20 times last night. I am a Upper East Side legend.
It's good to be back!!
Chow for now!
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