Sorry for the lack of posts lately. Mom has been very busy lately and I have a hard time doing the posts myself without opposesable thumbs.
Today we report the death of a celebrity dog who died in a heinous manner. Jessica Simpson's Maltipoo, Daisy, was taken away by a coyote who managed to get into her yard. Jessica Twittered that she watched in "HORROR" as those evil coyotes took Daisy. Jessica has posted this flier all around town and on Twitter asking the coyotes to please e-mail her. She is ready negotiate!
Q-Ball and I once encountered a coyote in California while walking at grandma's house. It looked liked a dog but it jumped over bushes and fences. Mom scared it away as she knew that the coyotes were notorious for eating little dogs and cats. So it is with great sadness that we write this post today as we know what happens when coyotes take away little dogs.
So RIP little Daisy. You were quite a looker, I must admit I had a crush on you and your Carmel colored hair. It's sad that this happened near the anniversary of Q-Ball's death. I am sure Jessica Simpson is inconsolable as that is how we were went Q-Ball died.
Daisy you are now a flower puppy in heaven.
Chow for now!
1 comment:
Hi I enjoyed your post, I sent it to a friend in Calabasas CA. Sorry about your pooch.
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