Oh what a day!!
Well not funny ha-ha, more like, "WTF!!".
Today on the way downtown to have a doggie play date with Leroy the Yorkie, my mommy was exiting the Wall Street station turnstile with me in my doggie bag, her handbag and a gift for her friend Marielise who is about to give birth any day now. As she was trying to fit all of us in the turnstile, the man behind us who obviously was in a rush because he is soooo important, pushed the turnstile while my mommy still wasn't fully in and her foot was still out. The force of his push torn the skin above my mom's heal in a jagged gash.
My mom gets out of the turnstile and looks down at her torn foot and yells at the man, "Hey!". He just looked down at her foot that is starting to bleed and maybe said, "I'm sorry" we really don't know we didn't hear anything and he rushed upstairs without looking back or offering to help us. My mommy was PISSED!!! People of course just looked at her and walked on by us.
She hobbled upstairs and noticed that blood was dripping everywhere as she limped down Rector Street. That was when we noticed there was a large police presence in the vicinity. As we walked down Rector a policeman came to us and asked us if she needed any help. I think mom was a little in shock because she didn't know what to do as she noticed that she was leaving a blood trail down Rector. We went to the ambulance and two very handsome (her words not mine) paramedics looked at her wound. They told us she had to get stitches as the gash was too deep to heal properly on it's own. They asked if we wanted to call an ambulance but since we don't have an extra six hundred dollars to waste we said we will manage to get to the hospital on our own.
The paramedics cleaned her wound, tied a gauze strip around her heel and even cleaned some of the blood from her shoe. They were really sweet and amazing and we felt like someone was looking out for us from up above to have these men right there when we needed them most.
Mom then hobbled to her friend's apartment in Battery Park City and after explaining what had just happened asked if I could stay with them while she went to the emergency room at NY Downtown Hospital. So that was my introduction to Leroy the Yorkie and the beginning of our play date together.
My mom went to the hospital around 2 o'clock, by 5:30pm she walked out with 4 stitches to her the skin right above her right heel. The anesthesia took away the pain and she was grateful that everyone at the hospital was so nice to her and had a great bedside manner.
She then went to get me and as Marielise had just come from taking Leroy and I to the dog run at Battery Park. We met at PJ Clarke outside next to the water and in the end we all managed to have the doggie play date we had been planning for some time now.
On the way home going down Rector Street we stopped to ask the police why they were there all day and we found out that a woman had been found hacked to death in a building on 2 Rector Street. So in an ironic way her death provided us the paramedics my mom needed. Sad but true :(
Anyway we are home now, I am pooped from all the drama and playing with (trying to mount) Leroy. My mom has her foot up and a Tylenol with Codeine in her system and we are just happy to be home. We are so glad there are so many helpful people in New York. They far outweigh the jerks that do things like push turnstiles before others are fulling in them. Oh well, it could have been worse.
Have a great weekend and chow for now!
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