Sorry, it's been awhile since I posted but I have been busy being a big brother to Leroy the Yorkie. We have bonded in the last few days (and I don't mean when I excitedly hump him). He is my little compadre now. Well onto the news...
Very sad, um yes very sad indeed. Sybil the cat, who moved into Downing Street shortly after Prime Minister Gordon Brown took office two years ago, has died after a short illness.
The black and white feline, named after Basil Fawlty's wife in the hit 1970s comedy Fawlty Towers, was brought to London by Alistair Darling after he became Chancellor of the Exchequer in Brown's government in June 2007. Sybil died earlier this week at the home of a family friend, a Downing Street spokesman said.
It's always a national tragedy when the nation's first pet dies. However in her short life, Sybil lived large. Darling's official residence is number 11, next door to Brown's 10 Downing Street home, but a spokesman for the incoming premier admitted in 2007 that the cat would have the run of both houses.
"It's quite difficult to confine cats, so, yes. The prime minister doesn't have a problem with it. (The prime minister's wife) Sarah Brown doesn't have a problem with it," he said at the time.
Well, here's hoping Sybil is chasing that big mouse in the sky. RIP.
Chow for now!