Hi All! I hope you had a great weekend. In New York the weather was magnificent and whilst I was playing and chasing squirrels in Central Park I thought how long it had been since I had done a Sunday Sermon. It was then as I rolled around in some funky scent that the topic of my sermon came to me, Intentions.
I am an animal that lives on pure instinct so whatever I am doing is pretty much my pure intention whether it be eating, sleeping, chasing squirrels or cuddling. I don't stop to contemplate, "Should I be nice to Judge today so he can feel like he can come into the living room without any drama from me?" When Judge comes into the living room there is a pretty good chance I am going to try and attack him especially if he comes close to my mother. I can't help it, I don't care if he is behaving. I am an animal.
However humans are a little bit different from us animals even though you are technically considered animals too. Over a few millions years I hear that your brain evolved and even though you still have instincts, you now have more complex feelings and emotions that make you not trust your instincts anymore. You stop and think about things before you do them (at least in theory). Then you act out your intentions.
The definition of the word intention is "a determination to act in a certain way". This means you take the free will that the universe gives you, you make a decision on how you are going to act and then you follow through (that's too many steps for a dog to think through).
My mommy tells me that intention is very important to consider in your relationships. For instance someone could hurt you but their intention was not to hurt you so that should be considered if you plan to forgive them or not.
Some people do things to hurt you and they definitely mean to hurt you. That is what we should look out for in our lives. Forget about words, just look at people's actions and the meaning behind their actions. How do you feel when you are with them? That is the way to figure out what some one's intention is to you. Do you feel special? Loved? Joy? Laughter? Fear? Pain? Hurt? Lonely? Superior? Inferior?
This guy my mommy used to like hurt her feelings a few months ago and then got in contact with her a few days ago like nothing ever happened. Although my mommy and I use to like him a lot, we now know that he is capable of hurting us. However at the same time we are pretty convinced it wasn't his intention to hurt us so instead of telling him to go to H-E-double hockey sticks, we let him know he hurt us (if you hurt my mommy, you hurt me, grrr) but we aren't sure about how he fits into our life anymore. Hopefully he will thinks about blending his actions and intentions more successfully in the future and will learn to avoid hurting others and act more with his good intentions which I am sure he has plenty of.
My mommy has been thinking about bringing someone from her past back in her life. She was always suspicious of this person's intentions towards her but she has a lot of people from her past coming back in her life and it brings this person along too. My advice to her is to think a little like me and act on her instinct (or as my mema likes to call it, "intuition"). If this person has to be back in her life again, listen to her intuition about how this person's intention makes her feel and act from there to protect herself. Are they the best intentions?
Well, there I go again getting all deep and it had been such a lovely weekend! Sometimes it's just easier being a dog.
Chow for now!
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