Here is the official portrait of the Obama's family dog, Beau. I must say he is looking quite dapper. From this picture it is quite obvious that Beau is very happy and has adapted to living in the White House. And what's not to adapt to? A big lawn, many handlers, all the food you can eat, little girls to squeal over you and walks from the most powerful man on earth (although I am sensing he is not the one holding the pooper scooper).
We here at the PPP are happy that Beau is such a strong, positive presence in the White House as we feel with the need of so many dogs needing to be adopted he is a good role model on how most households in America should experience the utter happiness of owning a dog as a pet.
Well, my mom and I are going to go out now and take advantage of the weather before it starts raining and I am cabin-bound. Yesterday she and Aunty April dragged me all around downtown shopping with them. I didn't mind. I was happy to be out and about and I would like to think I was responsible in a way of helping them chose their outfits and shoes as I like to consider myself a pretty good stylist (something I learned from living with a woman who LOVES her shoes).
Have a great weekend and enjoy the beginning of summer!
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