Uncle Franzi corrupting a minor
The "adults"
Well I have not been posting lately BUT I have a good excuse. We have had visitors over for the last few days and my days and nights have been full of company and entertaining my Aunty April and Uncle Franz.
Uncle Franz throwing down a brewskie.
In the morning Aunty April and Uncle Franz take me for my daily drag around town. She thinks I am being stubborn but in reality I am just doing a drill for just in case someone decides to try to kidnap me. What concerns me most is that no one else on the street seems to recognize my distress and my efforts to escape her and back into the arms of my loving mama.
Aunty April modeling her new shoes.
Anyway sometimes I was welcomed to come along with the humans, sometimes not and I was left alone. With Judge.
Aunty reaching for kiss.
I have been relegated to sleep with my mom on the couch which I just don't understand as it is my bed and I know if they just gave me the chance that they would see that I quite snuggly. Anyway tonight is the last night I have to stay on the couch which my mom and I quite perfected by now. Tomorrow night I get my bed back and mom gets to stretch her legs whilst sleeping and she is going to need her bed tonight as she starts her intermediate salsa dance lessons tomorrow.
Aunty April telling me I won't be sleeping with them again.
Oh well, it's been fun to have Aunty April and Uncle Franz stay with us. The Rivera family motto is "the more the merrier" so we hope in the future they come and visit us again as it has been a lot of fun. Hopefully next time they stay with us our place is a little bit bigger and they get their own room.
Christ I'm cute!
Come back Aunty April and Uncle Franz, come back!!
Judgey McJudge
Hope you enjoy the pics of my guests!
Chow for now!
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