Dead Heiress Casey Johnson
A few days ago Casey Johnson, one of the heirs to the Johnson and Johnson fortune was found dead in her home in Beverly Hills. It's been speculated that she overdosed as she was just thirty years old. As sad as her story is what is most sad for me is that her dogs were taken from her "fiance" by Nicky Hilton (Casey's childhood friend) under the guise that the dogs were to be returned to Casey's family.
However Casey's "Wifey" Tila Tequila (don't ask) said that she was told that Casey's dogs will be put to sleep so they can be buried with her. What??

"Wifey" Tila Tequila
Tila stated, "They don't care about the dogs. They are putting them to sleep to bury with Casey," Tequila exclaimed - an allegation flatly denied by a family spokesman.

The Orphans
One of the pooches, an 18-year-old toy poodle named Zoe, "is very old and sick and has a lot of issues," said Jesse Derris, a spokesman for Casey Johnson's heartbroken dad, Jets owner Woody Johnson.
"The family plans to seek veterinary help for those issues," he said, but is not planning to put the dog down.
Besides Zoe and a second dog, a Yorkie, Casey Johnson's friends also took a rack of her clothes, including several fur coats, along with packages of insulin she took for her diabetes.
Asked if there was any plan to bury the dogs with Johnson, Phillips replied, "No." Then she loaded a red suitcase filled with her friend's gear into a black Range Rover.
All I can say as a dog is, this is not Indian years ago when the wife was thrown on a fire pier with her husband when he pasted away. Those days are long past and we dogs deserve to live out lives to our natural end. It's bad enough tens of thousands of pets in America are put to bed because there is no one to adopt them but when you have a billionaire family to back you up with enough money to take care of you that is sad and pathetic.
I hope to hear in the future months that Casey Johnson's dogs are living and doing well. She has an adopted daughter Ava and you don't see the family sending her back to the orphanage. I would hate to see this become a trend as my mom knows better. She has about five friends and families that are more than willing to take care of me should anything happen to her. Which is a good thing considering my mom wants to be cremated.
Chow for now!