I knew Costa Rica was a magical land. Tropical weather, beautiful beaches, magnificent volcanoes, a high literacy rate, eco-friendliness, good surfing and to top it off a nation that is so peaceful it doesn't have an army. However little did I know that Costa Rica was so evolved that it would elect an animal for President. A FEMALE animal at that!

Costa Rica elected it's first woman chinchilla President. Her name is Laura Chinchilla and she won by a landslide. Yes, where in American it is still considered a far reach to have a female as President (the rest of the world doesn't seem to have a problem with that concept), in Costa Rica they have pushed the envelope even further to have a female animal for President. I told my mother that we should move there as the possibilities for me to serve in the government are just endless!
There is much celebration going on in Costa Rica now as you can tell from the images on this post.

Okay, I now that Laura Chinchilla is a human who just happens to have the last name of Chinchilla. I am allowed to dream, aren't I? Well, I still think it's quite evolved to have Central and Latin American countries with females for Presidents when as I mentioned above, it is not a welcomed thought in America. I still like the thought of moving there and learning to surf.

Presidente Laura Chinchilla
Chow for now!
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